Chapter 5

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Tim fell to the floor and held his face.

"Ow.. what was that for?" Tim asked the angry Floridian.

"No one tell me what I can or cant do.. If I want to watch something, I WILL WATCH IT.." Florida Man yelled, soon shortly after holding his head from his headache.

"I just want to look-" Tim said before Florida man interrupted him.

"Yea, yea, look after our health. I don't care. I'm a 259 pounded guy (yes, I did make some weights up for them.) who mostly drinks Bud Light and sometimes takes some drugs." Florida Man said. Tim Horton tries to get up but is soon kicked back down by Florida man.

"Buddy, you need to take more care of-" Tim was soon

kicked in the stomach.

"I said, I don't care," Florida Man said, about to kick Tim again before Australian Man moved Florida Man away from Tim Horton.

"What the Hell Mate. he just wanted you to rest until your headache went away." Australian Man said, still pushing Florida Man away from Tim. Spleens went up to Tim and sniffed him, probably checking to see if he was alright or to see if he had any drugs.

"Why should I care, my body is messed up in more ways than one.." Florida Man asked.

"We are all messed up mentally and physically, but dont bash on someone just because someone wants to make sure you are okay." Australian Man said. Florida Man scoffed and pushed Australian Man away and headed to his room. Getting to the room, he heads in and slams the door shut behind him.


Australian Man knocks on the door of the room, "Mate, can I come in?". He can faintly hear Florida Man telling him to f*ck off. "Flori, you cant be mad at everyone forever, plus this is my room too."

"Fine.." Florida Man said. Australian Man opens the door and heads into the room. Shutting the door, the Australian soon goes to sit next to his still angry Floridian friend.

"Come on Mate, we just want to make sure you are alright" Australian Man said. Florida Man looks at his friend from the corner of his eyes. His friend did speak the truth but they also know that he isnt used to getting much help. Florida Man sighs.

"I know.. I just wished Tim didnt just treat me like a child most of the time.."

"He just doesnt want you back in jail." Australian Man looks at his friend, he soon pulls Florida Man into a hug. The Floridian jumps a bit in surprise. He just sat there for a bit before smiling and hugging back.

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