Chapter Four

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We head over to my bed and sit and chat about random shit. We talked about dogs, cats, if we're alone in this big universe, until we had nothing else to talk about. "You thirsty Gerard?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He says and we both get up to go to the kitchen. "Ok so what do you want?" I ask Gerard while looking in the fridge. I grab myself a soda. "Coffee." Says Gerard. "You want coffee at 11:30 at night? Ok." I say crossing my arms. He just shrugs and I start making it.

While making the coffee, I feel arms rap around me and a head on my shoulder. "Hmmm, your warm." Says Gerard. "Umm, Gerard your coffees done." I says placing it down on the counter.

He gets off me and I get a little upset. "Thank you Frankie." Says Gerard taking a sip of his drink. I blush at the nickname Gerard gives me and look down so Gerard won't see so he won't tease me.

After he drinks his coffee, he puts it in the sink and we go back upstairs. "So Frankie, what do you want to do?" Says Gerard closing the door. "Hmm I don't know..." I say sitting down on my bed and so does Gerard. It was really quite until Gerard said something. "Hey Frank," Says Gerard out of nowhere. "Are you a top or a bottom?" Says Gerard smirking. "Gerard!" I say   blushing. "You don't just ask somebody that's you know?" I say picking at my black nail polish.

"Well are you? You seem like a bottom." Says Gerard while nudging my arm. "A bottom then? Whatever." I say looking at the ground. Gerard puts his finger on my chin and lifts my head up. His hazel eyes look so pretty. "Your cute when your flustered." Says Gerard doing that stupid smirk. He comes closer to my face until...

Buzz! Buzz!

Gerard checks his phone and groans. "Ugh, Mikey wants me to go home. Sorry babe." Says Gerard getting up from my bed. He puts his phone in his pocket then looks at me. "See you tomorrow at my house then." Says Gerard. I see him open the window and snicker. "What is it?" Ask Gerard. "You can walk out the front door you know that right?" I say putting my hands on my hips.

"Oh well, see you tomorrow." He winks at me then he leaves.


I wake up and check the time it was on my phone. Shit Mikey will be picking me up in a bit. I get up and run to my closest and pull out my black skinny jeans and my Misfits shirt. I put my socks and and then run to grab my converse and jacket. I hurry and grab my old backpack and put in my pajama pants, clothes, and tooth brush.

I mess with my hair until my mom tell me Mikey is here. I kiss my mom bye then head out the door. "Sup Frank." Says Mikey waving at me. "Hey mikes. Ummm is Gerard going to be there?" I say nervously. "Oooh, somebody has a crush." Says Mikey nudging my arm. I ignore him and we start walking to his house.


Mikey unlocks the door and we head inside. I see Ray sitting on the couch and he turns around. "Sup Frankie." Says Ray getting up from the couch. I wave back and we all go to the kitchen to grab something to eat. "Umm, we don't have any good food." Says Mikey looking in the fridge. "You find anything Ray?" Asks Mikey closing the fridge and opening the freezer to check in there. "Nope." Says Ray.

"We can order pizza for dinner later maybe?" I say shrugging and sitting on the counter. "That sounds good." Say Ray crossing his arms. We all head back to the couch and put on a movie.

Later on during the movie, I think to myself about last night. Were we really going to kiss? He was leaning in so he must be.


I check my phone and see a text from my phone.

Gerard👽: Hey

Frankie🐀: Sup

Gerard👽: I'm bored, can you come to my room?

Frankie🐀: I'm in the middle of watching a movie gee

Gerard👽: gee? Were did that come from?

Frankie🐀: idk

Gerard👽: well you not really watching the movie if your on your phone, so come here
Gerard👽: pls

Frankie🐀: ugh fine. Were is your room?

Gerard👽: the basement

Well this will be the first time I will be in Gerard's room. I get up and head to his room. "Use protection!" Yells Mikey and Ray. I blush and turn around and flip them off and then they just start to laugh. "Yeah you to." I mumble.

I go down the stairs and knock on his door. "Hey sugar." Say Gerard open the door. I nudge my arm and hit him while walking in his room. Danm this kid has a lot of posters and comic books. "Nice room gee." I say looking around. I turn around and see him blush this time by the nickname.

"Who's the one blushing now gee?" I say smirking at him. "Shut up." Says Gerard. I walk over to his bed and sit down placing my back on the wall. "I heard what they said up there." Says Gerard sitting next to me.

"Ignore them." I say blushing a bit. "I find it funny how easily you blush." Says Gerard laying down on the bed. I yawn and stretch. "Tried baby." Says Gerard smiling at me. "Stop calling me those names." I say crossing my arms.

"Nope." Says Gerard now turning over laying on his stomach. I sigh and look down at Gerard. I look at his thighs and then up at his ass. "Frank my eyes are up here you know?" Says Gerard smirking at me. "I-I didn't m-mean to umm." I stutter and blushing and look around his room trying to avoid eye contact.

"What? Like what you see?" Asks Gerard. "We should watch some tv gee." I say and get up to grab the remote. Gerard grabs it first and sits up. " answer my question Frank, then you can have the remote." Says Gerard hiding the remote. "Gerard." I whine.

"Be quite down there!" Yells Ray. Then we hear laughing. I ignore it and still try to grab it. "Answer Frank." Says Gerard smirking. "Umm y-yeah." I say and he hands me the remote. "That's all you had to do Frankie." Says Gerard

I fell in love with my bully (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now