Chapter 1

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Stampy: Hello, everybody! Welcome back to another video inside of Stampy's lovely world! Today is Lee Bear's birthday, so Squid and I...

Squid: Hello!

Stampy: Along with some of my helpers..

*William Beaver, Polly, Amy Lee crouch.*

Stampy: Are going to surprise him! This is gonna be absolutely crazy! So I'll tell you what, we'll come back when we're finished setting up.


*Stampy, Squid, William, Polly, and Amy Lee finish decorating. There are balloons and ribbons everywhere and a huge cake sitting on the table.*

Stampy: Alright, so we've just finished setting up! Everything looks absolutely amazing!


Stampy: That's Lee Bear! Everyone hide!

*Stampy, Squid, and the helpers hide as Lee Bear enters the room. Then they all jump out.*

Squid & Stampy: Surprise!

Lee Bear: Oh my god, thank you so much! Now, where's my cake?

Stampy: *laughs* You greedy, greedy bear Lee, we set this whole thing up for you and all you care about this cake! Well, I can't blame you, I mean after all I am a cake maniac. but the cake's over there.

*Lee approaches the cake.*

Lee: Mmm...this cake looks delicious!

Stampy: Wait Lee, we've got to sing happy birthday-

*Lee stuffs face in the cake and begins eating it.*

Stampy: *laughs* Greedy bear! Greedy bear, Lee!

*Hit the Target crashes through the roof.*

Hit the Target: Greetings!

Stampy: Hit the Target, get out of here! 

Hit the Target: What did I do?

Stampy: Everything! You harassed me everywhere I went!

Hit the Target: I've just come to wish Lee a happy birthday.

Stampy: Oh, that's really nice of you!

Hit the Target: And I also came to do this...Lee, put your leg in the air.

Lee: Uhh..okay?

*Lee puts leg in the air as Hit the Target grabs it and drags him out of Stampy's house.*

Squid: What the?

Stampy: Lee, are you alright!

Lee: Help!

Stampy: We've got to rescue Lee, come on everybody before he gets away!

*Stampy and his helpers chase after Hit the Target where his helicopter is.*

Hit the Target: Adios, amigos!

*Hit the Target hops into his helicopter.*

Lee: Stampy! Squid!

Stampy: How are we going to catch him now?

*Hit the Target flies away.*

Lee: *sobs.*

Stampy: Poor Lee. We've got to rescue him.

Stampy & Squid: Lee's Birthday!Where stories live. Discover now