Chapter 2

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Setting: HTT's Lair where Lee is tied up 

Hit the Target: Mwahaha! You're such a silly bear, Lee!

Lee: I hate you Hit the Target! I hate you so much! I hope you burn! I hope you burn so bad that you disintegrate into the ground like the Wicked Witch of the West. I'M MELTING!

Hit the Target: Hush! Or I'll feed you to my tiger!

Lee: You really think I'm scared of a tiger.

Hit the Target: You're testing me, Lee! You're really testing me!

Lee: It won't be long before Stampy and his friends come and rescue me!

Hit the Target: Rescue you? *laughs* You really think they're gonna rescue you?

Lee: Yeah, after all they are my friends.

Hit the Target: Your friends aren't always gonna be there for you, Lee!

Lee: Or will they?

Hit the Target: That tiger's getting really hungry, Lee! Every minute you talk. It gets hungrier and hungrier. Look at him.

*Cut to Hit the Target's pet tiger in a cage who is licking his lips.*

Lee: How did you even manage to get a pet tiger?

Hit the Target: I stole him from the zoo.

Lee: So he's not really your pet?

Hit the Target: Yes, he is my pet!

Lee: But you stole him from the zoo. That's-that's illegal.

Hit the Target: I know. I'm a villain, Lee. That's what you and that crazy cat fail to realize. I do illegal things! That's what comes with being a villain!

Lee: Stampy, please get here as fast as you can!

*Cut to Stampy and his helpers who are equipped with diamond armor.*

Stampy: We've all got our diamond armor on, ready to take out Hit the Target and defeat him once and for all. No one messes with our bear!

Squid: Yeah!

*William Beaver, Polly, and Amy Lee nod.*

Stampy: Come on, everybody follow the cat!

*Squid, William, Polly, and Amy follow Stampy out the house.*

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