Home sweet home

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It's been ten years since the war but also ten years since I lost my best friend, my soulmate, my sister... Prim. I make my way and to the table and sit down trying not to think about Prim. I'm just watching Peeta hard at work the shape his face makes when he is hard at work is so cute I could stare at it for hours, I wonder why such a nice, beautiful guy like him could ever fall in love with a ugly, broken girl like me. I am shaken out of my thoughts to see peeta staring out of the window looking out on victors village however he doesn't have the usual smiley face instead it is replaced by a worried face
"Katniss" Peeta said in a slight whisper "come over here"
Very cautiously I got up from my chair and walked over to the window and when I do I am shocked at what I find... I see two children one girl about the age of 7 and swaddled in her jacket was a boy about 1 year old the were leaning against a tree for shelter from the rain of them looked very unweight and skinny it broke me looking at them as it reminded me of my unpleasant past. I saw the very fragile girl pull out the tiniest piece of bread and gave half to her brother and just as she was about to put the bread in her mouth but her brother had already demolished his and was trying to get more the girl looked down at her very young but yet fragile brother and eventually gave in and handed him the piece of bread and at the same time whispered something and although I couldn't hear what she said by the form of her mouth I was just able to work out what she had said she said
"I promise tomorrow I will get us some more food and water"
before leaning her head against a tree to fall asleep on. Without thinking I grabbed my coat at put my boots on and at the same time I said
"Peeta we have to help them I can't bear to let them starve like that"
"Are you sure Katniss I mean I agree but are you sure your ready to look after kids"
"I'm sure Peeta, C'mon lets go help them"
And with that we ran out the door with our heads down trying to avoid the rain the was getting heavier and heavier by the minute when we reached the tree Peeta of course was the first to speak however and soon as he did the girl got a fright and tried to crawl away but Peeta bent down to her level and stopped her
"It's ok I'm not gonna hurt you" he said in a soft gentle tone he was always so good with kids
"You don't need to help me"
said the girl her voice shaking at the same time she was trying to move in front of her brother as she was trying to protect him. Peeta smiled a heartwarming smile and said
"Don't be silly look at you, you need some food in you and you definitely can't stay out here in the rain"
after a couple of seconds of silence the girl spoke up and said
"I'm ok really I ate half a sandwich last week I'm truely ok"
"LAST WEEK!" I blurted out and the girl got a fright and immediately put her hands over her face
" hey,hey I'm sorry"
I said my tone a lot calmer than before
"We aren't going to hurt you we would never do that, We just want to take care of you is that ok?"
I said and smiled gently and the girl looked up and smiled gently as-well
she said as she handed her brother to Peeta who wrapped him in his coat to keep him nice and warm as they were only wearing very thin shirts and pants at the time. I tried to help the girl to her feet but she immediately screamed out in pain and feel back down
"OWWW!!" She cried
"Shhh it's ok" I said trying to calm her
"Is it your leg that hurts?" I asked
And she nodded her head
"I think it might be broken he smashed us up pretty bad"
"Who did?" I asked wanting an answer
"Oh umm no one never-mind" she said nervously
"Ok" I said trying to move on from the subject
"Peeta could you carry her?" I asked
"Yup sure" he said as he handed me the baby boy the looked at the baby boy to see that he had brown hair just like mine and his sisters but a bit lighter and bright blue eyes his sister however had the same colour brown hair as mine and soft hazel eyes. When the girl was ready Peeta's back we raced out from under the tree trying not to get wet, we got inside I closed the door behind us and Peeta gently put the girl on the couch and sat beside her and I sat on a chair across from them with the baby boy on my lap
"So what's your name and how did you end up here" Peeta asked
"Oh Well, my names Daisy and that's Oliver,I'm from district 2 and my, my"
She stumbled on the last few words
"It's ok" I say "it's safe here you can tell us anything"
She looked at me and time a deep breath
"My father hurt me badly, that's why my legs broken and I have cuts and burns all over my arm" she said lifting up her sleeve to reveal a very badly cut and burnt arm
"Omg!!" I say looking down at her arm "who on earth would do this to you!!"
And the word that cane out of her mouth was the last one I was expecting to hear

/Authors note/
Hello everyone I really hope you liked my book this is my first one on Wattpad just letting you know I'm only 12 and still a beginner writer I would hope that you could skip past all the errors and just get the main  idea in this story also please tell me if this was too long as I can make it shorter in the future :)

Home sweet home (Saved by Katniss and Peeta Mellark)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora