This isn't the real you

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I reach my hand over to the other side of the bed only to cold sheets I immediately bolt up outta bed scan the whole room and then I find Peeta huddled in a corner clenching his hair
"SHES A MUTT SHES PLANNING ON KILLING ALL OF US!" He screamed then he saw that I was awake and said
"You...YOU KILLED MY ENTIRE FAMILY AND YOU EVEN KILLED YOUR OWN SISTER ON PURPOSE" he screamed as he made his way over to me it was only then when I realised he had a knife in his hand. I gasped that definitely not the Peeta I know that's a capital mutt. He runs at me a try's to throw the knife but I dodge it I turn and look at the other side of the bed where Oliver and Daisy were starting to wake up and before they can say anything I rush them into another room
"I need you two to stay here until I say it's safe to come out ok" I say sternly
"But why? is something wrong with daddy"
Daisy asked as tears start making their way down her face she was very scared and I don't blame her
"No no he's fine we just need to have a talk" I say trying my best to lie but Daisy was making it extra hard cause she was crying. I walk back into my bedroom hoping that Peeta had calmed down only he hadn't
"I HATE YOU I WAS A FOOL TO EVER LIKE YOU AND JUST LOOK AT YOU LOOK AT YOUR SCARS THEY MAKE YOU LOOK HORRIBLE!!!" He screams at my face I was trying my best to hold back my tears I knew that this wasn't the real Peeta the real Peeta wouldn't dare do anything like that
"Peeta please... this isn't you,you love me and I love you please Peeta come back to me" I plead only it doesn't work
"ME IN LOVE WITH YOU OH PLEASE I WOULD NEVER BE IN LOVE WITH A FREAK LIKE YOU! He screams as he makes his way over to me with a knife in his hands but I jump across the bed out of his way
"Peeta please this isn't you please come back to me Peeta please..." I begin to try and help him come back only to be cut of by him
"I SHOULD'VE KILLED YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE TO IN THE ARENA BUT SINCE YOU SURVIVED I WILL KILL YOU NOW!!!" He shouts across the room as he throws the knife back at me I try to dodge it but I don't succeed and it cuts a long line across my forehead making blood go everywhere I tumble to the floor struggling I make my way to my feet and walk over to Peeta
I let the tears fall at his words No I tell myself I have to help him so I very cautiously walk over to him and before he can move I cup my hands over his face and soon my lips meet his but it wasn't like the beach in the quarter quell he wasn't kissing me back
"I don't love you why are you kissing me?" He asked annoyed
"Oh Peeta don't you remember we love each other very much we help each other through good and bad and even are parents to two wonderful kids please come back to me Peeta" I beg as I press my lips against his this is my last hope. I begin to lose hope when suddenly he kisses me back I fell the stirring inside of me the same feeling I had on the beach in the quarter quell
"Oh my god"Peeta says as he breaks away from the hug looking up at my forehead
"Did I do that to you I'm so sorry, Katniss please forgive me" he says his eyes have gone back to their original light blue and tears start running down his face
"It's ok I'm ok I helped you come back" I reply
"No no it's not ok you can't go near me what if I kill you next time" he says he was scared now knowing that he could kill me but have no memory of it
"Peeta listen I can go near you I helped you come back besides what you said was true" I say making my way to the edge of the bed
"What did I say?" Peeta asked quietly
"You said I was a mutt that I killed your family on purpose and killed Prim on purpose too and that you hate me because my scars they make me look horrible and that I look like a f-freak"
I stumble at those last words the tears where now streaming down my face and I was shaking uncontrollably
"Oh honey, Katniss I didn't mean any of that those deaths weren't your fault and I love you just the way you are I love every inch of you including your scars that show how brave you really are" he said as he pulled me into a hug he was obviously shocked that he would say that about me
"It ok I forgive you that really wasn't you anyway I knew you didn't mean it" I say as wipes the tears off my face with his hand
"Did I really do that to you" he asked pointing at my forehead and I nod sadly
"I'm truely sorry Kat" he says as he begins healing and treating it
"For the last time Peeta I'm truely ok" I say while still having a smile on my face
"Just promise me that you won't let me do anything bad to you or the kids again ok?" He asks sternly
"Trust me you won't" I say
"Let's go tell the kids it's safe to come out now" I tell Peeta as he follows me into the other bedroom where Daisy lay asleep with Oliver in her arms
"Aww" me and Peeta say at the same time as we lay next to them I put my arm round Daisy while Peeta has his arm round me and I was just about to drift back of to sleep when I hear Peeta say
"You love me real or not real"
So I tell him

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