The truth revealed

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I shouted while pacing back and forth across the room
"Katniss please calm down it's ok we can figure this out" Peeta said in an attempt to calm me but it failed
I saw Peeta looking at the ground while trying to comfort Daisy who was shaking with fear
"Sorry.." I whispered "I- I just was angry sorry I let it all out on you"
"No it's ok Katniss I completely understand why you are so angry I would be too and I am" Peeta replied
"Umm if your calm now I can explain what happened" Daisy said her voice still shaking but I could see she was trying to warm up to us
"Yeah ok sorry" I replied
"So my father Gale has been abusing me and my mum ever since I could remember but it only get worse about a year ago when my mum died just after Oliver was born" As soon asserts finished that sentence tears started streaming down her face
"I'm so sorry to hear that" Peeta said as he rubbed her back and wiped her tears away
"Do you mind if you tell us how she died it's ok if you don't want to" I said cautiously not wanting her to fell frightened or pressured
"Ok umm well most people including the police said she killed herself but I don't believe that" Daisy said much calmer than before with only the occasional tear escaping her eyes
"Well what do you believe" Peeta asked with a very serious face which was uncommon for a funny guy like him
"I believe-" she took a deep breath before continuing "I believe Gale killed her"
"SAY WHAT NOW!" I screamed causing Oliver to cry "oh no I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" I said as I picked him up and began rocking in my arms as I walked around the room I have never really taken care of a baby before I guess it was just an instinct
"Shhh" I kept repeating "it's ok your safe now your here with us"
"You know for someone who doesn't know how to care for a baby your doing a pretty good job" Peeta said looking at me and a sleeping Oliver in my arms
"Thanks" I said smiling at him and blushing a bit
There was silence no one dared to
speak about Daisy's past then Daisy broke the silence
"I'm scared Gale left me and Oliver at the tree to stave to death what if he finds me here, He hates you guys he said you guys killed heaps of people on purpose but of course I don't believe that"
"We would never ever in a million years do anything like that" Peeta said with a very determined voice
"And it's ok your safe here with us we're not going to hurt you or let anyone else hurt you" I replied trying to make her feel safe.
She looked up at me and smiled showing her pearl white teeth
"Hey let's play a game" Peeta suggested "we go around in a circle and say a fun fact about ourselves"
"Ok" I said "I'll start my favourite food are the cheese buns Peeta makes" I say smiling and making Peeta blush
"Ok my turn" Peeta said "I'm a baker and a painter"
"Oh well I don't really have anything interesting to say except that my middle names Katniss"
"Omg what a cool name" I say causing everyone to laugh
"Yeah well when I was born my father still had feelings for you and after a lot of convincing and what I think a lot of bruises my mother eventually gave in and made my middle name Katniss" Daisy explained
"That is like the best name in the world" I joked causing everyone to laugh
"Oh Arh ouch" Daisy said clutching her leg
"Oh sorry I forgot about your leg"
Peeta said "In the morning we will go to the hospital to get it fixed ok"
"Ok" Daisy said as a yawn escaped her mouth
"I think it's time for bed" I said laughing and looking at the clock it said 9:00 gee time really flys around here
"I think so too" Peeta said "I'll carry Daisy to bed you take Oliver they can stay with us for the night"
I nodded and followed Peeta up the stairs and made a small crib in the bed using pillows so the Oliver doesn't fall out Peeta set Daisy down carefully as I got under the blankets next to Oliver. When we were all settled in Daisy spoke up and said
"You love us and you'll protect us Real or not real"
"Real" Peeta an I both said in sync with each other
After a few moments when Peeta was sure Daisy was asleep he said "I love our new family"
I smiled and fell asleep into yet another nightmare

/Authors note/
I really hope you like this part I just tried to cover any confusing parts but this is also based on a dream I had and yes it was about Hunger Games 🤣  There's gonna be a new chapter coming out every night hopefully so I really hope you enjoy!
Don't forget to comment and vote :)

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