Chapter 15: Brother and Sister

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The demon was enchanting her spell, the two slayers on guard. Fubuki then noticed that rags of sashes are appearing out of her body. "Tanjiro, as you can see, she can freely manipulate her body to become blade-like sashes of rags. There very sharp and hard like wood to cut through or even penetrate." Fubuki said while analyzing her. Tanjiro was in awe on how quickly Fubuki grasped the situation and how far she has come. "I can tell, but something else is off, I smell two scent from her which I am sure you feel as well. Keep analyzing her and check for week points besides the neck, I bet she can also turn her neck into a hard sash as well." He said. Fubuki agreed with this but then says something unexpected which caused even the demon to be surprised. "I need you to step back and let me handle this one OK. I haven't let loose in awhile. Plus having a nice fight to lay back the bones a little is good don't ya think?"

Tanjiro smiles, "I like the confidence....very well, but remember what I taught you, access that when your outline analysis of your opponent's fighting style is complete." She nodded as Tanjiro laid back against a nearby tree sitting down and watching. The demon was angry for she had heard what Fubuki had just said, angrier than even before which caught Fubuki's eyes as she lets out her beautiful new chakram ring blades. "How dare take an upper moon so lightly you wrench! I am Daki!! Upper Moon 6! I am stronger than you, you hear me!!" She shouted, Fubuki just kept looking at her provokingly trying to let the demon loose her cool. ("Wow will you look at this. She is easily irritated and has childish tendencies to have the last word by saying she's strong.....such pride and arrogance, malicious personality and spoiled attitude.") Tanjiro thought. "Blood Demon Art: Eight Layered Obi Slash (血鬼アート八や重え帯おび斬ぎり Chi oni āto Yae Obigiri) - Daki uses 8 extensions of her obi to create simultaneous sash attacks in order to cut down her opponent Fubuki.

The super sharp hard long sashes charges at Fubuki with pure speed as she dodges the first 4 sashes, "Storm Breathing: Second Form: Crescent Moon Slash"(嵐の呼吸:2番目のフォーム:三日月のスラッシュArashi no kokyū: 2-Banme no fōmu: Mikadzuki no surasshu)- Fubuki gracefully extends the iron chain and hurl her chakrams in the direction of Daki, while spinning the chain multiple times which slices Daki's torso wide open for she didn't have time to change her body in a sash courtesy of Kimura's speed. Daki was in pain but endured it by countering, flipping horizontally in the air, sending blades at sashes; Fubuki tends to dodge which she did,however, she then notices how Daki was smirking uncontrollably with joy and killing intent in her cold eyes. "You idiotic girl never underestimate an Upper Moon, this is only a spec of what I can do."

The sashes curves in the air, bending it's change in form which caught Tanjiro's eyes as Fubuki is running from the sashes. ("What is this, my instincts are telling me to avoid it, those sashes are sharper and I shoul---She was cut off in thought as Daki shouted in between her tantrums. "Blood Demon Art: One Hundred Curved Obi of Hell (血鬼アート:地獄の百曲帯 Chi oni āto: Jigoku no hyakumagari-tai)-Daki, while having sending obi sashes at Fubuki, multiply the sashes, creating 100 sashes of sharp edges right at Fubuki. Fubuki stops running and charges at the sashes and reels her blade ring chakrams in her hand for close combat as attacks the sashes head on, striking and cutting them down at immense speed while having her guard up and deflecting what she had trouble with. ("This girl, she's not for show, however I manage to get her in a few places but crap....why can't I cut her cleanly, it's like she has a high sense of touch, but I will win, its only 3 hours till sunrise and my next stop is only a 1 hour distance away. Only 12 outta of 100 of my sashes got her which she has cuts from but she cut down and deflected 88 of them.")

Fubuki was surprise seeing blood on her arms but none of the 12 cuts were deep and she is only grazed by 9 of the slashes. Tanjiro just kept watching while holding on to his sword, ("This demon, her eyes says 'Upper Moon 6', but why am I picking up two scents. Let's it because she is able to transmogrify between looking like a human and a demon...No that's not it.") Fubuki smiles and gave Tanjiro a wink as to not worry which he then smiles back. "Blood Demon Art: Sash Restrictions (血の魔術:サッシュの制限 Chi no majutsu: Sasshu no seigen)- A burst of sashes appears out of thin air and grabs Fubuki by the leg, however she didn't flinch. The sashes should restrict her movements as the Daki pulls back Fubuki with impressive strength towards her. Fubuki smirked which caught Daki's eyes, Fubuki spins rapidly created a tornado like visage image with her body and cuts through all the sashes which only cause Daki more anger.

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