meeting the characters

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~adora(female reader) 

    You met adora at theymore when she was having her first party and you had pulled her in to dance and she was having an amazing time and you introduced each other and she saved your life as she-ra when saving theymore.

~catra(gender fluid reader) 

    You and catra met in the fright zone. You and her have been friends as long as she and adora. 

~glimmer(female reader) 

    You met glimmer cause your mother is in the royal guard and you and glimmer would just sit in a room together and draw or she would make little glitter animals and you introduced her to bow.

~bow(male reader) 

    You met bow one day when your parents and his were having a meeting and he was out in the back in the woods and he was playing pirates

~perfuma(female reader) 

    You were a rebelling horde soldier and she was defending a rebel base and she had noticed you were attacking the horde soldiers as well and after the battle she offered you a place to stay

~Frosta (female reader) 

    You met Frosta at princess prom and later while she was at brightmoon for a rebellion meeting. You were spinarella and netossa’s plus one.

~Mermista(transmale reader) 

You were one of the guards that stayed when the sea gate was starting to power down.
~Sea hawk(male reader) 

You were one of mermistas other friends and you met sea hawk when he came barging in and was trying to catch mermistas attention

~scorpia(female reader) 

    You met in the horde. You were apart of her kingdom before and you started to become friends when you two were assigned a squad together.

~entrapta (non binary reader) 

    Your catras sibling and you met entrapta while hiding in the vents one day

~hordak (male reader) 

    You met hordak when he first arrived on etheria and you’ve been hidden in the background but have been a good friend to him

~double trouble(trans woman reader) 

    You met them in the crimson waste, you had needed a shapeshifter for a job.

~mara (female reader) 

    You were one of the etherians who got curious about the first ones tech and mara like razz. You're mute so you just creeped into the ship one day and Mara didn't notice you until you had touched a crystal.

~light hope (female reader) 

    You were sent with mara as a diagnostics expert

~lonnie (female reader) 

    You came through a portal with Adora. You were a little older than her. Your adoras older sister you and lonnie do not like each other in the beggining 

~Kyle(male reader) 

    You were a captured rebel fighter and kyle would come talk to you and you would talk back

~Rohellio(male reader) 

    Your kyles sibling.

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