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(n.) the ritual of enjoying life's simple pleasures. family & friends.

once arrived at school, i didn't want to get food so we stood around my locker until it was time to go to class.

"elsie." i heard a familiar voice.

i whipped my head around to see fletcher.

"hi." i politely said.

"can i talk to you?"

i looked to the floor before telling the girls i would meet them at lunch.

fletcher pulled me towards the front of the building and began to speak.

"i'm sorry for the way i spoke to you at the event. i had a few too many drinks and i wanted to apologize." he looked sincere but i couldn't tell if it was just an attempt to save his own ass.

"don't worry about it." i simply said because i'm just not comfortable with talking with him. i went to walk away and he grabbed the top of my arm.

"wait. i meant the whole thing about us being together though. you should think about it."

"let go of me." i asked.

"come on, elle. you know me better than anyone and me you." i yanked my arm away from him.

"oh you know me?" he nodded. "what's my favorite color?" i asked such a adolescences question.

"come on, it's blue." he replied.

all i did was walk away. my favorite color is indeed not blue and i actually find blue to be the most unappealing color of them all.

"you're really just going to base of i know you off of one question?"

"when's my birthday?" i ask him another theoretically, easy question.

"april—" i chuckled.

"nice talk." i waved goodbye as i walked towards my classroom.

lunch came sooner than usual for me and i met up with my girls.

i tried to look for rosie but i couldn't find her anywhere. i searched in the lunch line and all around the lunch room but couldn't seem to find her.

i wasn't very hungry so i just talked to hazel and delilah.

"we're going shopping for homecoming this weekend, do you wanna come?" delilah asked me.

"let me check with my mom but i don't think that should be an issue. does sunday work?"

"yeah, any day is fine. paxton's party is on saturday so sunday would be ideal." hazel threw into the conversation. "you're coming right?"

"i might make my way there at some point." i took a sip of my water. "i forgot my econ book in my locker. i'll be right back." i stood up and walked out towards the lockers.

i had made my way to my locker and my hands shook as i began to dial my combination.

and the realization hit me.

i hadn't eaten today.

granted, it was only about noon but i couldn't risk my mother finding out. i grabbed some emergency snacks i always left in my locker, in this case granola, and headed towards the front of school.

i took a bite out of the granola before i heard some shouting down the hall near the office. i stuffed the small bag into my pocket and slowly crept towards the noise.

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