the neighbor

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Awsten finally woke up from his afternoon nap that the ghost who haunts his house suggested he laughed to himself and taking a moment to look around. The house was quiet and he was bored so he decided maybe he would meet the neighbor that lives next to him since he was lonely- well apart from Geoff he reminded himself he then decided to get himself ready, he then went downstairs and headed for the door but Geoff appeared in front of him "where do you think your going princess?" He looked at awsten smiling and he blushed and then he looked at his feet "I thought I'd go ahead and meet the neighbors.. duh" awsten said quietly and Geoff then sighed "fine but come back soon alright?" Awsten laughed "wow didn't think you were the type who cared" awsten just pushed past Geoff and went outside and just stopped for a moment. Well that was something, he shook his head and started walking up to the only other house on his street and he decided to knock and then was followed with a red haired man opening the door " can I help you?" He sounded kind of tired "oh uhm I just moved in yesterday I live in that house" he pointed to the dark brown house next to his. His eyes then widened "oh sorry pardon my manners! I'm jawn it's good that someone finally moved in there to be honest" he chuckled "pleasure to meet you jawn! I'm awsten and yeah I'm glad I got it" he smiled in the direction of the house "do you wanna come in?" Awsten blinked a few times before agreeing and stepping inside he then noticed all the horror movie posters and the ghost hunting equipment on the dining table "so are you like a ghost hunter or something?" Awsten joked "yeah pretty much me and my house mate Otto have a YouTube channel" awsten smiled " that's so cool! I love paranormal stuff too" he laughed "you do know your house is haunted though right? I get positive signals from it" "yeah they told me when they bought it" awsten lied "anyway I have to get back it was really nice meeting you jawn" he nodded then walked me out "feel free to come by anytime I mean it is hardly do anything" he laughed and I smiled at him then waved a goodbye and then entered my house.

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