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Isabella POV

The next day dragged by. I almost forgot about my date until I got a text message.

From: Unknown
Ready for a great Christmassy day? Meet me in an hour.

Ugh, great. I had almost forgotten. I wondered why I had even agreed to this date. I mean I don't even know his name. Oh well I might as well go. If I don't he will probably follow through with trying to find me. Part of me wonders why he even cares. I mean why would a complete stranger take in interest in me?
I took a quick shower and went to my closet to try and find something to wear. I don't know why but I want to look good. I shouldn't care but I find him strangely attractive. I decided on comfortable but cute. (http://www.polyvore.com/bah_humbug/set?id=105965434&lid=3143429) I checked my watch. 3:45 I had taken 45 minutes to get ready. I headed out the door and headed to the town square.
20 Minutes later and he still hasn't showed. I checked my watch again. As I started to leave I saw him. With snow in his curly hair and eyelashes his piercing green eyes boring into me. He quickly strides towards me.
His voice sounds like music. Deep and rolling his accent foreign to me.
"I didn't think you'd show I thought I'd have to track you down." He chuckles slightly at his remark.
"Well I'm here so what are we going to do. I'm not going to stand here freezing my ass off all day. "
"Well I have some thing in store come on."
The boy turns on his heels and heads through the crowded square. I follow behind him. He finally pulls to a stop in front of an ice skating rink. I put my hand on my hip and cock an eyebrow a him. He smiles at me.
"Have you ever been ice skating?"
"Yes and I hate it."
I hate ice in general. I had vowed last year to never step on ice again because well..........
"Of course you would hate it. It is Christmassy but oh well lets go get our skates."
He leads me to the kiosk and pays for 2 sets of skates. He hands me a pair and sits down on a nearby bench to put them on. I just stand their staring at him. He finally looks up.
"Aren't you going to put your skates on?"
I just stare at him.
"You know I paid for those. Don't let my money go to waste."
Oh now he's going to try and guilt trip me. He just looks at me pleadingly with his green eyes. Darn why does he have to be so cute. With a huff I sit down on the bench and put the skates on. Standing up the boy offers me his hand. I stand up and start walking towards the rink ignoring his outstretched hand. The second I set foot on the ice I almost fall on my ass. My skates immediately slip and I fall backwards. I fall into a pair of well muscled arms and a muscly chest.
"Whoa careful there. You should have taken my hand I offered to help."
I just turned and sent him a glare.
"So Bella tell me about yourself."
Wait did he just call me Bella.
"My name is Isabella and why should I tell someone I don't even know about my life?"
The boy just stares at me. He seems to me thinking. Finally he lets out a slow breath.
"What do you want to know?"
I don't even have to think about this.
"Your name would be nice."
He just chuckles and turns red.
"Awww man I thought I had told you...I'm Harry. You must have thought I was crazy asking you out without even introducing myself sorry for that."
Harry..... it has a nice ring to it. We continue to skate around the rink making small talk until they call everyone off the ice so they can clean it. Harry sits down on the bench and starts to take off his skates. He motions for me to do the same. After returning our skates we leave the skating rink. I follow Harry through the streets. After a while he stops in front of a Starbucks. How clique. As we enter the coffee shop a bell over the door rings and all I can hear is Christmas carols. God I hate Christmas carols. They are all so happy and it just ruins your mood. Harry turns to me.
"Wait here I'll get our drinks."
He doesn't even bother to wait for my order just goes right up to the cashier. 5 Minutes later Harry returns with two warm cups of coffee. He hands me one and heads to a table. I sit across from him and take a sip of the drink in my hand. I nearly spit it out.
"What is this?"
"An eggnog latte."
Great....... he had gotten me a Christmas drink. I take another sip of it. I rather liked it not that I would ever admit this to Harry.
"So why do hate Christmas so much?"
The question has my head reeling. Harry looked at me expectantly. I finally got all my thoughts in order.
"I have had a lot of bad experiences with Christmas. 18 to be exact and well they've kind of ruined it for me."
I knew I was lying to myself. Pushing away my one good memory of Christmas. Harry looks at me lost in his train of thought.
"Well I'll make you a deal. I'll show you the good in Christmas and for everything Christmassy thing you do I'll listen to one of your bad Christmas stories."
I looked at Harry in bewilderment.
"What exactly am I getting out of this?"
"Someone to listen. I know it feels good to rant sometimes."
I thought about this. I'm normally not an impulsive person but something about Harry made me one.
Little did I know my next word would change my life.

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