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Isabella POV

I wake up on the couch the next morning. My neck is sore from sleeping in an awkward position. The events from last night come flooding in and I groan and bury my face in the cushions. Harry stood outside my door for probably hours trying to get me to talk to him. Didn't he understand that I wanted to be alone? My phone buzzes on the counter next to me.

From: Christmas Boy
Its a big day today be ready by 12:00 I'll pick you up.

I look at the clock. Its only 10:00 great I have time to get ready. I get up and slump my way through getting ready. (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=106634913) Too soon it was 12. I hear a beeping from outside. I trudge down the stairs. I'm dreading seeing Harry again I hope he doesn't make things awkward. I walk towards Harry's car as he comes running up. Harry crushes me into a bear hug knocking the breath out of me. I pat his back awkwardly.
"cant breathe."
Harry releases me.
He grabs my arms and runs his hands up and down them.
"Hey, so what are we doing today?"
"It's a surprise!!"
I giggle involuntarily at Harry's excitement. Harry leads me to the passenger door and helps me into the car. He then slides into the drivers side. After about half an hour of driving we pull up to a department store. Harry parks the car and gets out. Harry takes me to the coffee shop inside the store. After getting coffee he sits me at a table.
"Stay here I will be back in about half an hour."
With that Harry leaves. Great, I don't know where I am and now Harry has left. I sit patiently drumming my fingers on the table and sipping my coffee. 45 minutes late I was getting annoyed. Harry is late. I finally see him coming out of the checkout line with a ton of bags hanging on his arm. He left me to go shopping! Why couldn't he just take me with him. As Harry walks up I cross my arms.
"Your late."
"I know I'm sorry. It was important trust me."
Harry gives me a pouting face. Ugh... I cant stay mad at him. I laugh and punch him in the arm as I head to the car without helping Harry with all his bags. As Harry puts his stuff in the trunk I get in the car and turn on the radio. I find a pop station and turn it up. Harry dashes to the front seat and changes the channel to Christmas music.
"Why did you do that."
"I wanted to listen to Christmas music." Harry said with a nervous chuckle.
Why was he acting so strangely? We drove out of town and into the countryside. We pulled into a farm that had a sign outside advertising Christmas trees. Getting out of the car Harry pulls at my arm excitedly.
"Come on lets pick out a tree."
I follow Harry around the field with the trees in it.
"What about this one?"
Harry asks while pointing at a tall pretty tree.
"Well it depends on where your putting it. How high is your ceiling?"
Harry starts laughing.
"Whats so funny?"
"I got my tree weeks ago its not for me its for you so find a tree you like."
I cross my arms.
"I am not putting up a tree. I already have to spend my days doing Christmassy things I will not have it invading my home."
Harry looks at me with pleading eyes.
I head over to all the young trees and point to one resembling a Charlie brown Christmas tree.
"Lets get this one."
"No not that one it isn't even close to ready yet."
I storm off to find a tree. Walking around I turn around a tree and see it. It stands about 6 feet and is perfectly green and shaped. I come up to it and brush my hands through the branches. I inhale the sweet smell of the pine. Lost in thought I don't hear Harry come up behind me with the farmer.
"We'll take this one."
The farmer nods and gets his chain saw.
"Wait, can we dig it out and put it in a pot."
I couldn't imagine killing the tree. It always made me so depressed after Christmas when the tree slowly died. The farmer huffed but got a shovel and a pot. 15 minutes later the beautiful tree was ready to go. Harry paid for it despite my protests and strapped it to the top of the car. We drove home in silence listening to the songs on the radio. I hadn't forgotten what happened earlier. What made him so nervous? Finally pulling up in front of my house Harry helped me get the tree inside and went back outside. He came back in carrying all the bags from earlier.
"Why do you need those?"
"Take a look."
Harry sets down the bags and I take a peek inside. Decoration in one and scented candles and various Christmas junk. Harry looks at me excitedly. His eyes twinkling.
"Were decorating!"
Harry sets the tree up in the living room as I unpack the bags. Wow this is a lot of decorations. I start to sort them. When Harry finishes with the tree. After hours of decorating we are finally done. The tree is decorated. The candles are placed and lit. garlands are hung and my apartment looks very Christmassy and I hated it.
"Harry why did we have to decorate my house why couldn't we have decorated yours."
"But whats the fun in that?"
"But now my house looks Christmassy. "
Harry just looks at me.
"Ooops I forgot something."
Great what now. Harry reaches into his pocket and pulls out a package. He unwraps it to reveal a plant. He holds it up in the air and looks at me.
He looks at me flustered and motions to the plant in his hand.
Harry runs his free hand through his hair.
"Ugh....... its mistletoe. You know what that mean."
I did and if he thought I was going to kiss him he was mistaken. I cross my arms and start to walk away.
"You know if you don't kiss me you'll be cursed."
"I'm already cursed."
Harry looks flustered. He walks purposefully towards me and I keep walking away. It turns into a game as Harry chases me around the living room. Harry finally tackles me to the couch. He holds up the mistletoe and leans it. I turn my face so he kisses the air. Harry playfully tries again and again as I try to block him. Harry starts to tickle me hoping it would help. Howling in laughter and begging him to stop Harry's lips finally found mine. At that point all struggle ceased. I melted underneath him. Harry's lips were soft, warm and tasted like peppermint. We kissed until we had to breathe. We both pulled away panting. I see that Harry had hooked the mistletoe into the tree branches above us.
"See that wasn't so bad was it? And now you wont be cursed."
"I've had better."
The look on Harry's face was priceless. He looked so sad it melted my heart. I slapped his leg and whispered in his ear.
"I'm kidding."
Harry beamed at this. He sat down next to me on the couch.
"Story time."
Ugh, he had to bring this up. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the door. He wrenched out of my grip and sat back down on the couch.
"No I'm not going outside so you can slam the door in my face when your done."
I sigh heavily. Running my hands through my hair I sit down next to him.
"When I was 11 I spent Christmas with my mom my aunt and my three cousins. My younger cousins were Andrew and Lily. Andrew was a pain and Lily was a spoiled princess. Then there was Jake. He was 3 years older then me and awesome. He would let me hang out with him and pay attention to me and such. Christmas morning was amazing. Jake got me some brand new ice skates. I wanted to try then but my aunt want sure the ice was ready. I was so eager however that Jake took me and Andrew. We happily skate around for about half an hour. I was showing off my moves when Jake shouted a warning. The ice under me cracked. Jake told me to stay where I was. He skated out towards me and pulled me to safety. However the ice broke underneath him and he fell into the lake. I tried to help him out but I couldn't get him out. I told Andrew to help but he was just screaming"
At this pint I had tears streaming down my face and Harry had put his arms around me.
"I watched him drown before my eyes Harry. I tired to pull him out but I couldn't. Afterwards Andrew yelled at me he told me how it was all my fault. If I hadn't made us go to the lake or skated to the thin ice Jake wouldn't have died. And the worse part is its true. I killed my cousin Harry. Jake is dead because of me."
I sobbed into Harry's chest as he rocked me in his arms.
"Shhh it wasn't your fault. It was an accident you tried your best to help him."
Harry rocked me till I fell asleep in his arms.

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