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that word kept replaying in my head over and over. I tossed and turned in my bed thinking could this be my best Christmas yet I don't know I finally was taken out of my thoughts when I my phone buzzed and light up the whole room. I turned to my side and unlocked the screen and read

Hey no need to wake up in the morning sleep in sleepy head! Are next Christmassy thing were doing will be late at might so dress warm.

I rolled my eyes and saved his number as Christmas Boy then rolled over and fell asleep

I looked my phone and it was Harry calling I picked up my phone and unplugged it from then charger then turned so my feet hanged off the bed

"Hello" I said in my grumpy morning voice

"wow when you sleep in you sure do sleep in"

"what it's only like 11:00"

"Isabella it's 4:00...... In the after noon well you better hurry up because were meeting up in an hour "

"God Darnit okay where at tho"

"town square"
with that I him up and raced to the bathroom did my hair and got changed. Then skipped downstairs grabbed my phone and was off to the town square


When end I got there there was a whole crowd of people I looked around soon to find a mop of curls, and piercing green eyes. I wiggled my way threw the crowd and found Harry.

i punched him on his shoulder and said "why the hell are we here"

"we my dear are going caroling"

"no way in hell am I doing this"

I started to walk away when I heard someone start to sing my name I turned around to see Harry. Dam he had a good voice. I shrugged my shoulders and walked back to him lets just say some how he got me to go stupid Christmas caroling with all night I had to sit threw thirty times of "oh Christmas tree"
i mean it was a fun time I got to spend time with the town the people were so nice and sweet and good singers and Harry on the other hand was amazing! I think I might of enjoyed myself!

"So did you like it" he said pulling me away from the group walking me in the direction of a car

"Erm....... It wasn't Horrible" I lied I was great fun then we got into the car we were walking towards

"Directions to your house" he said putting the key in the engine

"pull on Main Street, than make a right on Maple Ave, the go all the way to the end my house is to the right"
he nodded his head and pulled out of his parking spot and drove the way I told him and about 15 minutes later we were there

"this is me okay bye" but the doors locked me from getting out

"story time"

"oh right mhm.... Okay well I only know this because my parents told me but since I was 1-6 I was always sick on Christmas, and on my 6 Christmas my grandma visited she wanted me to get a picture with Santa so when we got there I was all settled down un til it was are turn to get up so then the girl took me from my mom and placed me on Santa lap I started freaking out crying, when they settled me down they started to take the picture I threw up all over Santa beard yuk it was a mess they made my mom pay for the picture and a new Santa beard but now they I look back at its a funny story but still that ruined my childhood."

I heard a giggle escape from his mouth

"hey not funny"

"it kinda is"

"I know" and with that I hopped out of the car before he could make any moves on me


Hope You Enjoy!! xoxoxo and pls comment and vote :))

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