Chapter One

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I wake up as I do every morning- grumpy as hell- and trudge over to my ugly ass closet. After gagging, I pick out a trashy outft and get dressed.
"Life is disgusting." I mutter, just in time for my sister to come prancing in.
Ugh, god, I hate her. She's a dog. No, literally- she's a spaniel. I'm not sure which one though because, well, honestly I dont give a damn to ask.
"Life is wonderful! I dont know what you're talking about... Are you wearing that today? Its kinda gloomy, huh?" She tugged on my baggy, grey t-shirt, accidentally untucking it from my sweat pants. Annoying.
"Thats the point, Kiara. Now fuck off, huh?"
"Woah, hey! Cool it with the swearing, Gray! No wonder you're always in trouble at school and stuff."
"No, its cuz I piss off my lame ass teachers. And if you dont get out, Ill piss off someone you dont want pissed off" I smirk. I enjoy threatening people. It has a sort of joy to it I cant explain. Even if I could, why would I tell you about it?
"Hmm? Who would that be, Gray?" She leaned forward, intrigued. Ughhh.
"Mum? Thats it? She'd only be pissed at you, she loves me."
"Oh, is that so? Why dont we find out!" I inhale, gathering volume to shout but Kiara covered my mouth with her gross, dog-smelling hand.
Quickly, I push her hand off and gag. "Eww."
"Hey! I probably wash my hands more than you, lemon boy!" She said loud and clear. Kiara knows I hate that name with all I have. What a bitch. Literally.


Author's note:

~~~Sorry this was such a short chapter! I wasn't quite sure how to add to it.
Regardless, I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave feedback in the comments on this, and future chapters and tell me how to improve my writing!
I also apologize for the swearing, I just thought his character would swear.
Thank you for reading!

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