Chapter Two

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I wake up and rub my eyes, clearing up my vision. With a tiny little groan, I look around my white-based room. It's soothing.
I hop out of bed and skip over to my closet with mirror doors. Opening it, I gaze at the pastel palette displayed before me. It's cute. Too cute.
A citrus will never like me if I'm like this.
If someone's a citrus, they're naturally attractive. Especially lemons and limes!
Well, at list in my opinion. But lemons and limes aren't fans of sweet things.
And as a bunny... I've been informed I'm sweet.
Although, I'm not sure. Anyway- We're getting off topic. I can not be caught wearing pastels by a citrus. They'd hold a grudge!
Thinking quickly, I bounce on over to my sister's room. She's a pomegranate.
I'm sure she'd have something the citrus kids would like... right?
"Sarah! Can I borrow an outfit? I want to impress a citrus!" I gleam.
"Ehh, sure. Why not, heh. Just bring it back after."
"Thank you!! I will!!" I smile brightly and waddle over to her drawers, looking carefully through her clothes.
After heavy questioning, I choose an outfit.
A plad, mahogany striped skirt with black chains on the belt, matched with a dark tone based AC/DC band shirt.
For socks I pick fishnets, thinking they'd be attractive.
After I'm dressed, my face is still too sweet.
"Ugh, bullocks!" I grumble in frustration. I gaze towards the window, noticing the bus stop filled by students. I quickly realize I'm going to be late, so I pack my things neatly and rush outside, barely catching the bus.
The driver accelerates before I'm seated so I get tossed around as I grip the seats tightly, searching for an empty seat. I soon realize there aren't any.
"Ahhh, c'mon!" I huff.
"Sit down." A lemon growls at me.
I know I must be harsh or I wont be attractive to him.
"There aren't any seats... d-dickwad." I stutter out the ending hesitantly.
"Dickwad, eh?" He pulls me into the seat beside him. "Interesting choice of words for a... well, a rabbit, yes?"
"You still noticed?" My face becomes flushed.
"Well, obviously. I dont need to be Sherlock Holmes to see." He sputters.
"What's your name?" I splurge, leaning slightly closer.
"Alec, hm. Yours, bunny?"
"I-I'm Epi!"
"Unusual name."
"You arent as sour as the other lemons, Alec." A smile forms on my face.
"Not yet, anyway." He chuckles.


Author's Note:

             I'm not sure how character development will affect Epi and Alec as a couple but once Grayson is involved, I'm sure the trio will be rather interesting.
P.S. I've decided Epi is from the U.K. so they have a cute little british accent!

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