Chapter One

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  Sophie was face down on the bed crying. She had been moping all day, hoping that maybe Fitz would come and try to make up.

   When he didnt come I started to doubt, but he cared. He had to.

   Earlier today me and Fitz had gotten into a fight. I knew that he was protective, but I didnt think he could be that jealous.

   Me and Keefe had been joking around, just talking when Fitz stalked over.


   Keefe had just made a joke and I was doubled over laughing, making it hard to breathing.

   I heard someone coming towards us and saw Fitz stalking over. Confused I turned to him, waiting for an explanation.

   He was fuming. When he got in front of us he looked ready to kill.

"What are you doing here with him of all people?" He said looking ready to explode.

   I was confused, why couldnt I spend time with my friend. And why was he talking like Keefe was a bad person?

   "He is my friend." 

I said putting an emphasis on he.

"Why cant I spend time with a friend?"

He turned his head to glare at Keefe.

"Because you are my girlfriend."

Keefe backed away, probably not wanting to be involved in our fight. He put his hands up.

"Look I'm sorry, dont fight about me. I'm going to go. I have things I need to do."

   As soon as he left everything went to hell.

End of flash back

After that Fitz had immediatley started yelling, and it ended up with us breaking up.

Of course, I was till waiting.

Waiting for an apology, for him to come back.

I heard a knock on my door, making me jump.

When I didn't answer the unknown person opened the door themselves.

I knew that I probably looked pathetic, waiting for someone who would never come.

I turned my head, surprised to see that it was Tam. I hadn't seen much of Tam lately, so it surprised me when when he (literally) showed up at my door.

"Tam? Where have you been, I haven't seen you around at all."

He looked down guiltily.

"I was going on a mission for the blackswan. I'm sorry I was gone for so long, I got held up."

I nodded, understanding what he was saying.

"Anyways, I came here to tell you that I heard what happened with you and Fitz. And I'm sorry, but you need to move on. He hasn't been treating you like you deserve to be treated, he dosent deserve to be your boyfriend. Move on. "

I felt tears prick my eyes, maybe because he was right.

I only nodded , laying my head back down and waiting for him to leave. I needed time alone.

He got the message. He soon walked out and shut the door, leaving me with my thoughts.



I'm sorry, this was a horrible first chapter. Hope you enjoy, and please comment.😊

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