Chapter Five

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Sophie POV

We ended up playing several rounds of hide and seek until we all got tired.

I was wandering the house at midnight when I heard people talking.

It was Fitz and Linh.

I could barely see their figures in the dark, but I could hear what they were saying.

I hid behind a wall, eavesdropping.

I knew I shouldn't, but I had to.

"Linh, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

My heart stopped. It felt like i was dying.

"I never loved Sophie, only you."

With every word he said it hurt a little bit more.

"Will you?"

Linh jumped into his arms squealing. When she pulled away the word she said broke my whole world.


With that i was no longer sad. I was angry.

I stepped out from my hiding place.

When Fitz spotted me he looked scared.

"Well you seemed to move on quickly. You only ever loved her huh? You really are just a spoiled little b*tch. I hope your happy with him Linh. Just dont let him trick you like he did me."

With that I turned around and ran out of the room.

I couldnt cry anymore. I was done crying.

He wasnt worth it.

I walked outside and sat on the ground, staring up at the stars.

It was beautiful, even if I had just been betrayed by my ex and best friend.

I really did hope that Linh was happy. Hopefully he would treat her better than he treated me.

I had a feeling that he would be exactly the same with her, but i wasnt going to get in the way.

I sat at there for a while. The stars seemed to calm me.

Someone came and sat beside me.

When I turned I saw that it was Tam.

I didnt bother trying to make conversation. There was no need.

After a while I started telling him what had happened. He looked mad.

"Dont be mad at Linh. Shes doing what she thinks is best."

He looked confused. Maybe because I didnt want revenge. Maybe because I'm okay with it.

"I'm happy for her. I hope shes happy. Maybe he will treat her better."

He scooted closer when I started shivering.

It was cold outside, and I didnt prepare when I stormed out.

Tam gave me his jacket, making me smile.

I turned to look st him and he leaned in.

Before I knew it we were kissing, and finally pulled back, breathing heavily.

I looked up at him.

"I love you."
He whispered.

"I love you too."

With that we returned to our makeout session.

I think this might be the longest chapter I've written so far.

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