Chapter three

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Sophie POV

I was in my room sulking( once again ) when I got a hail from Biana.


She looked worried.

"Why dont you come over tonight? I miss you."

"Yeah, Of course I'll be there. "

As soon as I put the small cube down I regretted agreeing.

I knew Fitz was going to be there. He was either going to try to make it up to me or ignore me completely.

I didnt want to go, but I would for Biana. She was my best friend and I hadn't seen her in a while.

I packed my bags, only putting enough for one night.

Once I was done packing I left for her house. I had been in such a rush that I hadn't even asked what time.

When I got there only Biana, Linh, and Dex were there, helping me calm down.

When Biana spotted me I knew I was in for some trouble. She had that look in her eyes, like she was going to slowly murder you and enjoy it.

Of course I couldnt back out, I was already here.

I waved to them, mumbling a hello.

Biana pulled me into a tight hug, making it hard to breathe.

She dragged me up to her room after we talked a little.

While she was in the closet sitting through clothes she started talking.

"I know you didn't cheat on my brother like he said, so what happened?"

It felt like my heart had stopped.

I would never cheat on him, why would he ever tell them that?

"Oh"I whispered.

I was about to tell her what happened when she pulled out a dress.

It was a short red dress. Everyone always told me that it was my color.

Without saying a word she sat me down in a seat and started doing my makeup gossiping.

When she was done I looked in the mirror. With the dress and the makeup I looked stunning.

Biana smiled when she saw my reaction.

"Come on, their waiting on us."
She said.

I noticed that she was dressed up too.

We stepped out of her room and descended the stairs.

I didnt bother to see everyone's reaction, but kept my head down, making sure I didnt trip.

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