chapter 2; Meeting her

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Seth's pov
"How's the business going"Richard my best friend asks as he waltz into my office for the second time today without knocking
"Why are you always here don't you have a firm to run"I say with a groan Richard is my best friend but he's a major pain in the ass
" it a bad thing to want to see my best friend"he says with a grin on his face has he takes a seat
"You know I never said you could sit"I say as he shrugs his shoulders
"But really, why are you here"I say
"Well I came to see Ashley your secretary and give you an update on your psychotic ex wife"he says  with a serious tone as I take a deep breath
"Ok tell me how's the case going"I ask
"Well... She's going to be released"he says
" that's not even right she almost ruined me how can you let her go?"I say anger evident in my voice
"Calm down Seth, it's not my fault ok I tried my best but there's nothing much I can do,no evidence points against her we have nothing against her ok dragging this case is just a waste of time it's better we let it go"he says as I sigh
"I when are they going to release her"I ask the obvious question
"She's out already... Lauren is a free woman as we speak but since we both know how crazy she is the best thing is to avoid her at all cost,God knows what next she might be plotting in that sick head of hers"he says as I rub my temples, this is all so frustrating
"I need to go now, don't worry everything will be fine"he says as he pats my shoulder
"And really need to shave you look like death"he says as he laughs and I throw one of the files on my table at him
"Sorry sorry I'm just stating the obvious"he says still laughing and I can't help but smile crazy boy
"Just get out"I say as he leaves my office..
"I'll be in touch!!"he shouts from outside as I sigh

    Amelia's Pov
After hours and hours of screaming and crying I finally gave birth to my cute bundle of joy...she's so cute yep a she and let me tell you she looks nothing like me she has Auburn hair like her dad,gosh why didn't she look like me
"How are you feeling honey"my mum says as she sits next to me on the hospital bed
"Exhausted"I say as I stare at my baby one more time, I just can't believe I'm a mother
"She's beautiful"my mum says as I smile and I wrap her tiny arms around hers
"I know"I say as I gently touch her cheeks
"And she looks nothing like you"my mum says with a scowl on her face ok people there's something you should know,my mum hates the guy who impregnated me she thinks he's a jerk you know having sex with a minor isn't right and she has this crazy idea that she'll sue him once she has an idea of who he is,and that will cost a lot of money which we don't have unfortunately
"Mum, stop being like that"I say as I rub my temples
"What! I'm just stating the obvious here"she says as she leans against the wall
"Whatever,I'm really not in the mood to argue with you suit yourself"I say
"So do you have a name for her yet"my mum says,such a great way to change the topic as I bite my lips nervously
"Hmm no"I say
"So any ideas" she asks as I shake my head
"How about your grandma's name"she says
"You mean dad's mum"I say as I flinch that woman is a she's the definition of "evil"so crazy thank God she's six feet underground now just thinking about her gives me goosebumps,and it's definitely not the good kind
"Hell no! I'll never name my only grandchild after that crazy old wench"mum says as I laugh
"So we're talking about your mum right"I say as she nods
"Hmm Cecilia..I like it"I say as I smile at my baby
"Cecilia Collins awwn so nice "I say as I touch her I'm never going to let anyone hurt you,but I know there's something I can't run away from for too long her father and I don't know what's going to  happen if he comes back in the future and tries to take her away from me,I really can't deal with it.
As someone knocks on the door it's the nurse
"Hi I'm Melissa I'm here to take her"she says as she stretches her hand to take the baby as I hand her over to her
"Her name"the nurse asks
"Cecilia Collins"I say as she smiles  "it's so nice and she's such a cutie"she says as I smile
"I'm guessing,she looks like her father"she says as my smile flatter
"Don't you have things to do,I think you should get going"my mum says with a scowl as the nurse leaves
"You should rest you must be exhausted I'll go get you some food"she says as I nod and then leaves

"Is it normal"a voice asks as I stir in my sleep
"It is ..just rare"another voice says as I feel something cold on my body as I open my eyes
   What could possibly be going on
"Mum"I say as I yawn
"Sweety I brought you some food"she says as she rummages through the nylon bag she has with her
"What were you guys talking about"I ask
"And who are you"I say to elderly old man with a lab coat on and a sethscope around his neck.
"I'm Dr Bernard, I'm here to examine you,how are you feeling by the way"he asks with a smile he's very short and kind of fat but seems nice
"Hmm better"I say my throat feeling a little bit itchy
"That's great,your daughter has been checked and she's perfectly fine"he says with a smile as I nod
"And since you're in perfect condition, you'll be discharged anytime from now"he says
Thank goodness I hate hospitals so much, especially that sterile smell it has
"She's crying I don't know what to do to make it stop"the nurse who came earlier says as she walks in with a hyper baby in her arms she's screaming like crazy my cute baby
"Maybe she's hungry"the nurse says as she hands my bawling baby over to me
"We could get milk from the milk bank"my mum suggests as I give her a long stare
"I'll feed her,it's no big deal plus I've read a lot of books about breastfeeding"I say as I try to undo my hospital gown and I remember benard or whatever is still in the room as I look at him he knows what I'm trying to say through my look
"I'll excuse you then"he says with a cough has he leaves
"Amy,I really think...."my mum tries to say but I cut her off
"Can you help me  with this"I ask the nurse as she helps me unhook the ropes attached to the gown as I lay her down on my chest and help her find her way to my breasts this is so weird
"Why hasn't she stopped crying"I ask my mum panic rising in my voice.. she's sucking alright but then her crying just worsened like me breastfeeding her or something isn't helping
"You are not lactating"my mum says with a sigh
"Excuse me"I say I'm so confused
"You can't produce milk that's what I'm trying to say"my mum says as I look at her you've got to be kidding me how's that even possible I feel like I'm having a panic attack right now.


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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