Tuesday Part 1

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This morning I woke up before my alarm, which is totally unusual for me. I think it has something to do with the fact that I’m recording a cover with this well-known boyband today! But hey – no biggie!

Who was I kidding even four hours later, sitting on my train to London I am still feeling nervous and anxious. I am totally going to screw this up. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited, the whole train journey I’ve started reading articles on the boys and watching youtube clips and they seem nice and funny. I hope they like me, today means so much, I mean this could be the start of my dreams coming true. I’m on the train because dad got called into work today, he is a doctor so he’s always busy, and mum well she had to go and help my nan up in Manchester as she’s really sick, so I’m left on my own. GREAT, bad things happening already.

Before I know it I’m at Victoria Station waiting on a taxi, this place is so busy. The last time I was in London I was like 13 and it was a trip with school, now I’m on my own and feeling so anxious. Twenty minutes later and my taxi still wasn’t here, it’s 1pm and I am supposed to be at the studio at two. What am I going to? I ring the taxi service again and there is no answer, stupid Addison Lee, all I’ve heard is how quick they are and the one time I need them they are late! This is not helping my nerves, I start getting really breathless and clamy. Oh no I think I’m going to have a panic attack. I start to slide down the wall, this cannot be happening, not today.

“Hey – you ok?”

I look up and there is this cute guy looking at me with a frown.

I just stutter, “Ye.. Yeah.”

“Oh, you sure?”

I just nod my head like an idiot, wow he’s hot. Suddenly his phone beeps and he reads a text, looking at me then back at his phone, he frowns again, “Ok well as long as your fine, I would stay and make sure, but I’ve gotta run I’m running late for a meeting…” looking into my eyes with concern he sighs and turns not before shouting a quick ‘Bye!’

Well that was a weird encounter, but I’m breathing normally again and feel better. Thank goodness, I hate having panic attacks. I’ve not had one in a while, I use to get them really badly in school when I got bullied. They were horrible.

My phone starts buzzing and I get a text saying my taxi has arrived. FINALLY! I pick myself up and run outside get in the taxi and soon enough I’m on my way to Prestige Management. This day can’t get much worse.

So this chapter is dedicated to @demigodsofmerwholock because I wasn't going to continue with this story but her comment made me continue, so thank you!

Hope you enjoy and please comment and vote - Thank you for reading. 

-TLO xo

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