The Day After

I walked into the little warehouse, surprised to see how big and luxurious it was on the inside. A tall woman with caramel skin and short, curly black hair sat at a desk, typing away on a computer. I swallowed my nerves, walking to her.

"Good morning! I'm here to speak to Lydia Deetz," I smiled. She nodded, clicking something on the computer.

"Can I have your name and business," smiled Anastasia, preparing to type.

"Y/n L/n, I'm here to accept the job."


I left the office, feeling satisfied. Lydia was super chill and nice, which was good in a stressful job. My work began next Tuesday, so here's to that!

I lie in my bed, scrolling on my iPhone32, bored as hell. Thunder moaned and clashed outside my window. Perfect for those funky little ghost dudes to roam!

What most people don't realize is that these little gnomelike guys like to waddle around your house when it's dark. Often, the brain likes to fill in the cracks by making it an object rather than the being's real form. All of this is what my ghoul book said. Don't sue me! So that is really comforting when you live alone and smell murderous breath.

One waddled in my room. I sighed before making a Shrek sound at it. It shrieked in fear, turning and jumping out of the window. Dramatic, much? I heard a raspy chuckle at the gnomelike dude. I'll have to ask Lydia what they're called because I am going nuts writing them as gnomelike dude in my journal. Anyways, before I digress too much, I want to inform you I LIVE ALONE. That means I do not like hearing male chuckles coming from my mirror in the middle of a night storm. 

I almost got out of bed to investigate, buttttttttt I had to finish this super long game of Subway Surfers. Instead, I half-heartedly threw salt at the mirror, rolling over to face it incase the dude inside wanted to come outside. Usually, salt does the trick, but it didn't this time. I'll just do it tomorrow, I reasoned with myself, it's not like whatever that bro is in there is gonna like mess with my toesies.

I fell asleep, too lazy to spook the ghoul away.


Tuesday came quickly. Before I knew it, my alarm had alerted me Monday evening. I was supposed to start at midnight, so I guess it counted as Tuesday. I got into my car, ignoring the feeling that I was being watched. You guessed it. I never got around to clearing my mirrors. Oops!

I strolled into Lydia's office, chest puffed out. Ya boi'z an exorcist! Boo yah! Through that weird window thing that usually comes in school classroom doors, I noticed her talking to a young couple. The young lady had round brown eyes and straight brown hair, towering over Lydia and her husband by like 3-4 inches. Her husband had fluffy black hair, had dimples, and wore glasses. He was good looking, but daaaaamn his wife is attractive. They had a weird vibe.

I knocked on the door. Lydia stopped talking and opened the door for me. "Good morning, Miss. L/N," she smiled.

I returned the smile. "Good late evening, kinda morning, Ms. Deetz," I replied awkwardly. I eyeballed the two. The weird vibe came back as I turned to them. "I don't think I've ever met you two," I commented, keeping my tone light and friendly.

The hot chick turned to her yummy husband, whispering in his ear. Lydia narrowed her eyes at me. I neeeeeded to give a vibe check. I balled my palm into a fist and stuck it through the brown hair dude's tummy, gasping as it went through. "Niiiiiiiiiiice," I mumbled. "Two ghosts."

"You can see them?" Lydia looked surprised. I fought the urge to tell her that this all was on my resume, but I only nodded instead.

"Who are you?" It sounded mean, but I was just curious. She introduced herself as Barbra Maitland, and her husband Adam Maitland. "Cool!" I grinned. "What's the gameplan for toni-this morning?"

Barbra chuckled as her husband mouthed 'gameplan.' Boomers. "I was just telling Lia," I bit back a grin at the nickname, "that there is a haunting at our house again."

"Again? Is it the same spirit or is it another?"

"There're three," this time Adam spoke. I glanced nervously at his tummy. What if I left a hole? No hole, thank God/Satan!

"There are three. My stepmother, Delia," said Lydia. "The other two are named Skye, wh-who was a girl scout that died there and..." Her voice trailed off, leaving the elder looking disturbed.

Barbra hugged her, sighing. Weird. I guess they can tense up and not become transparent? Funky little beings. The atmosphere darkened. Barbra finally told me the other name.

"His name is Beetlejuice. He's been watching you, Y/N."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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