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Xia Siyan POV

"Here is your Strawberry Green Tea, thank you for patronizing our shop," I bowed my head, greeting the customers politely. It has been almost a year since I started working at Honey Spoon Café, making drinks and cakes for customers to enjoy.

Wiping the tables and clearing the cutlery, I sighed and leaned against the table. 'Today has been such a long day, I can't wait to get home.'

With the crowd in the café thinning down, I couldn't help as my thoughts drifted to the xuezhang I bumped into not once, but twice within the day.

'Wu Xize, with his sharp jawline, dreamy brown eyes and thick eyebrows, he's such a pretty face. What a pity he has such a terrible attitude, else he would be so ideal.'

"Xia Siyan, stop dreaming and help pack the cakes, we are closing soon!" My manager called out from behind the counter. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" Hurrying back with the plates in hand, I quickly started to keep the pastries and cakes into the back kitchen, packing a few of the older cakes for myself to snack on at home.

Eyeing a chocolate strawberry shortcake, I packed it nicely into a takeaway box, mind scheming on what to do the next day. As the clock struck 9, I untied my apron and changed back into my school uniform, ready to head home.

"Manager, I'll be heading home now! See you the day after for work!"

Wu Xize POV

Stretching my limbs, it feels good to awaken after a long night's rest. It really pays to sleep away the hangover. Looking over to the clock, it flashed 6 in the morning. 'Well since I can't go back to sleep, might as well start the day early.'

Throwing off the covers, I strolled to the bathroom, taking a quick hot shower. As the hot water pelted down on me, I thought of the tea ceremony I had to attend later at Mingde University. It wasn't what I'd like to do, but one day I have to take over Father's business, it's not a matter of choice for me.

Grabbing the towel, I dried off before putting on my uniform. 'Another long day being the heir of Wu Tea Enterprises,' I sighed. Straightening my tie, I lobbed my bag over my shoulder, heading out of my room to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning Young Master Wu, what would you like for breakfast?"

"Morning Aunt Jing, tea and the usual would be great. And a bottle of juice to go please." Replying to the housekeeper and my nanny Aunt Jing, I placed my bag down and sat at the dining table. As my breakfast was being prepared, I opened today's newspaper, updating myself on the latest news.

After breakfast, I thanked Aunt Jing and headed out the door, towards the car outside waiting to take me to school. Along the way, I plugged in my earpiece to listen to some music, staring out the window as the trees and people zoomed past.

Upon entering the campus, the car drove to the pickup point, where I thanked the driver and alighted the car. Shrugging on my bag, I walked towards my class, ignoring the hoard of girls that started to gather around me. 'Back to the daily noise and annoyances of immature girls again.'

I sighed loudly, but that only seemed to make the girls swoon even more. See, this is why I refuse to take any of the Mingde girls out on dates. Not only are they young and foolish, they seem to find every small thing delightful and make such big fusses. Older women like university girls are much better dates, knowing when to quit and drawing the line between an actual serious relationship and just a night fling. Given who I am, Wu Xize wouldn't want to date just anyone, and I refuse to be tied down so easily. After all, I'm barely 19, there's so much more to see and explore.

Entering my classroom, the rest of the F4 was already present. "Morning guys, any plans today?" I greeted. "Nothing much, just school and then a date with a pretty lady from Mingde University," Jingkang joked, bumping my shoulder. "Jie wants me home right after school, apparently we have guests arriving today," Didi grumbled.

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