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Wu Xize POV

'The nerve of her!' I could only look helplessly as she ran off, the bell signaling that class would start in 15 minutes ringing in the background. Examining the box in my hand, I opened it to find a delicate looking chocolate cake with strawberries on it. The box contained a small ice pack, a fork, even a small note.

Fishing the note out, I walked back towards my table, speechless at the bold nature of that petite xuemei. "Well look at what you got. It's cake! Can I have some?" Didi took the box out of my hands, plopping down into his seat and staring at the cake in front of him.

"It's the first time I see Xize so speechless because of a girl, I can only laugh at what just happened," Jingkang chuckled. It was a rare sight for Wu Xize to be fazed by a woman.

"Our dear Young Master Wu has been defeated by such a young and petite xuemei, who would have thought. This is something to save for the record books." Taking his phone out of his pocket, Guan Hong snapped a picture of my blanked expression, which snapped me out of my reverie.

"Stop it, all of you. And Wang Hedi, this is mine! Don't you dare to touch it!" I snatched my cake back, closing the box and tucking it safely under my table. Luckily, the professor entered the classroom. "Settle down class, we have a lot to cover today."

As class droned on, I tuned out the professor's voice. Preparatory classes and interning at Wu Tea Enterprises during the holidays already taught me most of the coursework for this subject, not listening to him wouldn't do me much harm.

My thoughts slowly drifted, from the tea ceremony later on at Mingde University, to the dark-haired xuemei who stole my phone. 'I'll get it from her later, and she will pay for messing with me.'

The note she wrote was left on my table. Since I wasn't listening to the professor, my hands fiddled with the piece of paper, unfolding it to reveal a lengthy paragraph.

Wu Xize xuezhang, you might not know me, but my name is Xia Siyan, and I'm from class 1-2 in Mingde High School. Still unfamiliar? Well, I'm the girl who crashed into you twice yesterday. So sorry for what had happened yesterday, I hope that the cake will suffice as a form of gratitude.

But yesterday aside, the cake serves to sweeten the otherwise bitter exterior of Xize xuezhang. Xuezhang, though we might not know of each other now, I would like to get to know the famous playboy of F4, Wu Xize! What are some things you like? Shall we be friends? I know I might seem a little rash and annoying, but that makes it even more fun to pester you, doesn't it?

Not to worry, I'm not like other girls, but that doesn't mean I don't like you! Here's my number, call me sometime xuezhang!

Scoffing, I folded the paper back up, stuffing it into my pocket. 'Funny how she played with me like that, first giving me a present, then stealing my phone, even insulting me in that silly letter of hers.'

Her antics were partially annoying, but yet I couldn't stop myself from smiling a little. What foolish little tricks a small girl like her has, it was kind of cute if I had to admit. Classes went by quickly after, my mind clouded with thoughts of Xia Siyan.

Xia Siyan POV

"And from here you can solve the simultaneous equations to the questions in today's handout. Do complete the homework questions by tomorrow, if there are no questions, class is dismissed."

Finally, third period Mathematics was over. Stuffing my notes back into the binders, I glanced at the sleek phone under my table. Wu Xize's phone. 'Just how stupid was I to grab his phone and run off? Clearly I wasn't thinking and just dug an even deeper hole for myself to fall into?'

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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