Chapter 1

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"Hey Natalie, how was school?" my mom's message beeped from my phone. I sent back a "Fine x" whilst unlocking my front door.

An empty house greeted me and I sighed. Half of me was delighted I could do what I wanted, and the other half yearned for family life. I grabbed a few leftover pieces of pizza and popped them in the microwave. I dumped my backpack in my room and changed into my pyjamas.

I could hear the microwave from my room and I rushed to the kitchen. The smell of pizza wafted lazily towards me and I inhaled the enticing scent.

Someone ringing the doorbell snapped me out of my trance. I panicked and grabbed a nearby sweatshirt to cover my pyjamas. I checked our cameras and saw a familiar blonde haired girl. I opened our gate remote-controlly and hurried to open my front door.

"Hey" I smiled at my best friend. "Hey" she smiled back. Sarah has been my best friend since we were three years old. That was the year she and her parents, and her handsome older brother, moved into the house next door.

We instantly became friends and have been since then. When the time came to go to primary school we both went to the same school ten minutes away. Now we are in high school, at the same school, and we are still inseparable.

"I thought we could do our homework together." she said answering my unasked question. "Cool, would you like anything to eat?" I asked. "Yes please." she said grinning at the prospect of food.

A few hours, and packets of chips, later our homework is done and we are watching a romantic drama on my television.

"I don't know why we always watch sad movies." Sarah sniffed beside me. "Well they don't affect me." I said. "I know and it's highly annoying." she said and threw a pillow playfully at my head.

I caught the pillow with lighting fast reflexes. She sighed. "I can never catch you off guard." I laughed at her.

By the end of the movie Sarah was sobbing and clutched a pillow to her chest. "I can't believe he died." Sarah exclaimed between sobs. "Neither can I." someone said behind me. "Hey mom." I said. My mother smiled and kissed me lightly on the forehead.

"Hello Sarah." my mother greeted. " Hello Mrs Harrison." Sarah greeted back. "I hope you girls did your homework." my mother said. "Of course we did." I said "I'm serious." she said. "So am I." I said.

"I hope you ate something." my mother said. "Yes, yes." I replied. "And you better have stayed out of the forest." my mom said, her tone serious.

I sighed inwardly. The forest. On the edge of our street, next to our house was the infamous forest. The forbidden forest. My entire life I had been told not to go into that forest, but I was never given a good reason why. "We didn't." I said exasperated. I had learnt long ago not to talk about the forest.

"What do you want for dinner?" my mother asked. Sarah had left about an hour ago and it was just my mother and I.

"Maybe... chicken pie?" I asked. "Sure, that sounds..." I didn't hear the rest of what my she was going to say. At that exact moment a howl echoed through the night sky, sending shivers down my spine. It sounded like a wolf, but you don't get wolves where I live.

My mother ignored the howl completely and started fishing out a ready-meal chicken pie out of the freezer. I was sitting quietly, deep in thought over the wolf howl.

"Mom, we have to call the SPCA, or the Zoo..." I said. "Why would we do that?" my mom asked.

"Didn't you just hear that wolf? Wolves aren't supposed to live in this region, what if it has escaped from somewhere, and is in distress..." I rambled on.

"That wasn't a wolf, that was just the wind." my mom laughed. "But..." I started. "Don't be silly, it was just the wind." my mom repeated slowly.

I sighed softly, I knew my mother was lying, but I also knew that arguing was useless. I will just have to investigate the forest tomorrow myself. And I will probably drag Sarah along as well. Tomorrow, after school, while my mom is at work, I am going into that forest.


Author's note :

Hello readers! Thanks for choosing my book to read :D

Sorry, that was a super short chapter :(

How do you like the characters so

Why do you think the forest is forbidden?

Do you think it was a wolf howl or just the wind?

Do you think it's a good idea to go into the forest?

All shall be revealed soon, so keep reading!

Please vote and comment :)


P.S. I am currently revising this book as well but as of now it's only 8 chapters I think so it won't take long

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