Shipboy/Shipgirl Idea No. 2 Part 1 (Iron Blood)

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Hello, readers. This is the second "character bio" idea that I came up. This time, it's an Iron Blood battlecruiser which appeared from the alternate dimension of WWII. (The pictures in this idea doesn't belongs to mine and Azur Lane belongs to Yostar, Yongshi and Manjuu.)

Name : KMS Donitz

Class : Prinz Heinreich class Battlecruiser

Looks : Imagine the combination of Admiral Hipper class Cruiser and Des Moines class Cruiser into one with German warship armaments.

Unit Description : The third unit from one of the mightiest battlecruiser in alternate dimension of World War II. Prinz Heinreich class Battlecruiser includes KMS Prinz Heinreich, KMS Raeder, and the planned KMS Donitz. This ship construction sole purpose is to assist the unfinished Super Battleship KMS Holtzendorff.

Unit Background : Right away after KMS Donitz commissioned, she proceed to join an operation in Atlantic Ocean to taken out the remaining Allied Navy. Before KMS Donitz arrived at the Atlantic Ocean, the mysterious portal that appeared out of nowhere pulled her into the void of darkness. Then, KMS Donitz without further notice has transformed into a shipboy/shipgirl (His/her crew turned into ethereal form, only KMS Donitz can see and talk with them.) Because of that, he/she right now has only one reason to life. To complete his/her revenge from The Sirens for sending him/her to another universe.

Faction : Crimson Axis

Armament :

4 x 28 cm SK C/34 Naval Gun (Tri barrelled)

8 x 15 cm TbtsK C/36 Naval Gun (Twin barrelled)

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8 x 15 cm TbtsK C/36 Naval Gun (Twin barrelled)

8 x 15 cm TbtsK C/36 Naval Gun (Twin barrelled)

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12 x 20 mm Flakvierling 38 AA Gun

12 x 20 mm Flakvierling 38 AA Gun

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36 x Naval Stationary MG-34 LMG

2 x 533 mm Guided Torpedo tubes (Quad barrelled)

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2 x 533 mm Guided Torpedo tubes (Quad barrelled)

2 x 533 mm Guided Torpedo tubes (Quad barrelled)

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2 x Depth charge racks

Personality : Cold, Short tempered, Determined, Master tactician, and Psychopath (if his/her Admiral insulted)

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Personality : Cold, Short tempered, Determined, Master tactician, and Psychopath (if his/her Admiral insulted).

Likes : Hangout in a quiet place, Naval missions, HQ Patrol, Checks his/her armament, Drink coffee, and Nimi's (Z23) lectures.

Dislikes : Take unnecessary risk, Any kind of pervert, Royal Navy, Have his/her admiral insulted, The Siren, and Someone overworking themselves.

You can use this shipboy/shipgirl character in one of your stories with any single pairing/harem pairing you can think of. With a note : Make sure you do inform me in the comments, so I can look up to your stories as well!

Thank you for reading this character idea, and have a good day.

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