Shipboy/Shipgirl Idea No. 8 Part 1 (Eagle Union)

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Hello there, readers! This is probably my last ever Shipboy/Shipgirl idea that I make to entertain myself. The fictional scenario of this idea is "What if the US Navy's biggest construction project reincarnated into different universe because a sudden invasion occured by the dimensional invaders?"

Name : USS Forrestal (DGN-01)

Class : Forrestal class Guided Missile Dreadnought (Warhorse class Guided Missile Dreadnought by Afterskies)

Unit Description : First modernized dreadnought ever built by Alternate US Navy, and Descendant of the supercarrier USS Forrestal (CV-59). Forrestal class dreadnought developed out of need for a heavy battleship that could fulfill the roll of bombardment of deep inland strikes. Most concept designs are considerably costly, however, this dreadnought class utilizes many internal systems and better weapon systems, it's also utilized with a massive command-center, stealth and ECM capabilities similar to Zumwalt class Destroyer, and patrol boat launch hangars. This dreadnought class ships includes : USS Forrestal (DGN-01) and USS Long Beach (DGN-02).

Unit Background : Similar background to Idea No. 3, He/She appeared in Azur Lane universe because he/she was sunk by an Ion cannon before this ship was ever constructed. It happens after 2030, when his/her nation were under attack by Eternal World Order (World Conqueror reference) which taken the world by surprise. After Forrestal destroyed by a surprise attack, the US Government alongside with China, Russia, France, UK, and other countries officially declared war on Eternal World Order to end the global terror and world domination.

Faction : Azur Lane

Armaments :

10 x LGM-30G Minuteman III (VLS) Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

10 x LGM-30G Minuteman III (VLS) Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

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310 x BGM-109 Tomahawk (VLS) Cruise Missile

310 x BGM-109 Tomahawk (VLS) Cruise Missile

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310 x RGM-84 Harpoon (VLS) SSM

310 x RGM-84 Harpoon (VLS) SSM

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