Chapter 1 - hospital bed

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          Klaus woke up with the same burning energy he had the day earlier. The feeling of excitement, fear, bravery and masculinity ran through his body as he focused on fighting for his country. He had been training his men for so long and he wasn't going to give up any time soon. Until he took a look at his surroundings. "Ugh. A hospital" he said collapsing back down. The bed was stiff and the pillow was far to fluffy, his head nearly touched the mattress. He went to lay on his side when thousands of sharp pains ran from his arms and eye to the rest of his body. "Agh! Not doing that I guess" he laid uncomfortably for hours before the doctor returned. He noticed K awake and gave him a grin "good morning Captain. How are you feeling?" The doctor said placing his clip board on the side table, k looked at him like an annoyed 12 year old and gave a sarcastic side smile. "When did you wake?" The doctor asked not missing a beat, "probably about 3 hours ago. What happened and when will I be out. Not more than a few days right?" The doctor looked away at Klaus' comment. "Longer than a few days sir. The enemies attacked hard and you lost all vision in your left eye, plus many wounds throughout the left side of your body, it could be weeks before you can leave and unfortunately you won't be returning to battle." The doctor said looking back at Klaus "what?! What do you mean! I've been training so long, you can't do that!" "Please Captain, don't make this harder than it is, I don't want this but it's what must be done." K sat up fast "Captain! Don't move so quickly you could seriously injure yourself" Klenzendorf waved the doctor away before slumping down and looking at the ceiling. He was furious. He wasn't ready to leave war behind, he let himself drift to sleep as he thought. 

       The next morning Klaus was more calm. He was given breakfast and told that the next day he would be moved to a non private room, he would share it with 6 other patients. He got ready for the day and changed into something rather than the uncomfortable clothes they gave him. He walked onto the balcony with a cigarette in his hand and a blank expression. Thoughts passed his brain, he looked around to see the others out there. Everyone was miserable except one man. He was younger and well, attractive. He looked unharmed except for a small limp. He was talking with the others on the balcony and smiling wide. For some reason klaus' gaze settled on the man and he couldn't look away, but he knew men can't  like men, he had thought about it in the past but he knew that was against Germany. He turned to the older gentleman beside him "you have a lighter?" He asked pointing to his cigarette, "Yeah here ya go" the man said passing it over "thanks" muttered klaus lighting his cigarette, passing back the lighter and looking out at the view "nice day, huh?" He quietly began small talk. "Yeah, it's abnormal to get weather like this out here. Always stormy, rainy or cold. Just like the battlefield" the older man said taking back the lighter. "Tell me about it" k said before placing the cigarette in his mouth. "You sure were looking at Freddie a moment ago.." the man said placing his nosey eyes onto Klaus, "who?" "Freddie... ya know Sub officer Finkel over here. You we're looking at him" he added, "oh haha yeah." Klaus muttered in panic "he looks uninjured and young I was just- well" before he could finish the man cut him off "dashing young man if I do say so myself" he said confidently. "Dashing not a word I would use" he lied. He was more than dashing. He was handsome, he way he stood with his hand on his hip, so feminine, but in a good way. His smile was so soft and his facial structure was perfect. "He's ok." There was a long pause before the older male continued "well, I'll let you be." He said leaving with a smile.  K put out his cigarette despite barely using it and decided to go back inside as well. As he laid back down in his bed he thought of 'Freddie'. Why was he so interested in him. It was like a magnetic pull forcing him closer to the man and he wanted nothing more but to get to know him. 

        The next morning k got up early. Almost immediately he was transferred to the group room and sure enough in the bed right beside his was Freddie. Reading the news paper quietly with his legs crossed. Klaus took a seat and said hi to Freddie, but he ignored him. Klaus repeated himself and that seemed to snap the blond male out of his trance, he quickly turned to face Klaus and gave an awkward smile "h-hi. I'm so sorry I was reading and I didn't hear you" he apologized. "Oh no it's ok, just thought I'd get to know my bed neighbour" Klaus laughed.  Freddie gave a quick smile again before looking at his news papers then back at K.. "I- um I'm Freddie, what's your name" He asked Klaus, "K" he said simply, he wasn't  huge fan of his full name. "Is that's short for anything?" Freddie asked. "Klaus, but you can just call me K." "Alrighty then, nice to meet you k" "nice to meet you Freddie". With that Freddie turned back around and continued reading. While he was doing that, Klaus' head was swarming with thoughts. //Oh my lord his voice is adorable to. Why am I like this! Men like woman!  Not other men!  Plus I'm sure he isn't gay.//  He let himself fall asleep and when he woke If was time for dinner. They gave them a plate full of weird meat that was completely unrecognizable and a pile of vegetables. K decided he wasn't exactly thrilled with that and went out to the balcony instead. He had his flask which he technically wasn't supposed to have and he was just admiring the beauty of the sunset. He was soon joined by non other than Freddie, who stood beside Klaus and smiled, "nice view" he said glancing at Klaus. "Mm" K responded not taking his eyes off the sky, "can I- well" before Freddie could finish Klaus handed him the flask "sure". They sat there's quietly for a moment before Freddie broke the silence, "so wanna get drinks sometime" he said nervously. Klaus froze.. //WHAT! did he just ask me out on a date.. or did he just mean like two friends. Ugh it must of just been a friend thing. No one in nazi Germany just asks another man out, let alone an ex captain. Act cool//  "yeah sure" "niiiice.. I'm just gonna.." with that Freddie walked back inside and Klaus stayed frozen for a moment before his brain switched back on //what.. just... happened.... Holy crap he actually just asked me on a date.. well for all I know it wasn't but who asks "wanna get drinks" if it's just a friend thing.. wouldn't they say "wanna hang out sometime" or "wanna- chill- sometime" I don't know but it seems so perfect!"//  he was so giddy, he excitedly ran back inside and headed to the lobby where he took a seat and made happy small talk with the others. "How's it going boys!" He said to the group of unenthusiastic older men, "what makes you so happy" one from the other side of the room said still not moving a muscle, "nothing specific." K lied "just a good day I guess, the sun was shining, the grass was green. Never better." He smiled big waiting for a response but no one stepped up and took the offer "I'll be out now! Bye bye" Klaus said springing from his chair and back to his room. He thumped onto his bed and smiled looking at the peeling paint on the walls. After taking a sip from his flask he decided he would write to his mother, he hadn't written in months and figured she must be at least slightly worried. He grabbed a piece of scrapped paper and began to write "dear mama, it's Klaus, I miss you dearly and I wish to return for a visit soon. I'm currently in a hospital with many wounds and some very bad news, they say I'm far too injured to return back to war and they are looking for job offers that needs ex-captains. It's not as easy as it sounds. I miss you and father very much, how are things going back at home? Anything interesting happen in town. Are you guys holding up well with all the air raids? I hope they slow down soon enough. I miss you mama. 

Love, Klaus Klenzendorf." 

           He had the lady at the front desk send his letter to his mother and went back into the lobby. Then headed back to his room, the bed seemed extra soft and the night sky seemed extra deep. He knew he was in love.. but why with Freddie, they haven't spoken much at all, to be honest he wasn't the most open person Klaus knew, and for all he knows Freddie had just wanted to get beers as friends.. and here it comes... that feeling of despair in Klaus' stomach. That feeling of you'll never find someone. But maybe he had..

A New Day- finkeldorfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang