Chapter 2- Freddie's POV

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          Freddie Finkel was young, 22 years old. He was only in the hospital for some internal injuries, he had no idea If he would be returning to war or not, he personally hoped not, he was never really in it for the fighting, he thought the war was stupid. He always wanted to help the Jews, so many seemed so innocent and young. But he did as he was told to avoid death. But recently he had noticed an older man looking his way on the balcony, there was no huge surprise, he'd had some glances since he arrived but this man didn't take his eyes away. When he finally did it was to get a lighter off someone something about the mans posture and face caught Freddie's attention, he was gay and there was no doubt in his mind about that, he had known since he was young. But he also knew he had to stop falling for guys who are clearly straight. He went back to his chitter chatter with the other men. Just small talk about the war, "ugh snore" he thought to himself. He hated the war let alone speaking about it. He told the men he was getting an early night and with that he made his way inside, picking up a copy of the paper on his way, he laid in his bed reading it, though he wasn't sure the words were nonsense, instead his brain wandered off to a special place, where's he though about the charming captain and his wonderful smile. He didn't want to gaze off like this but that man had an element reaching out to finkel like a set of greedy hands. He hadn't barely even noticed that very man beside him speaking, as he noticed the blurry figure wave to him he snapped out of his gaze and looked at him

"I- I'm so sorry, I was reading and I couldn't" ya know what- I won't finish that, it's nothing you out a haven't heard anyway. Let's skip to where it's necessary. 

Finkel had just asked the older man for some beers. He didn't know what he was thinking, he didn't even know the mans name, but he wanted so bad to get to know him. Freddie spent the next few days wandering up to the man and making small talk, nothing very interesting, until one day, it was a Saturday, things were slow and rainy, Finkel went up to the dark haired man who was alone on the balcony and made small talk as usual.

"Hey K, hows it going?" He nervously asked 

K jumped at the soft voice of Finkel "oh hi there Freddie" he said forcing a smile 

Freddie knew something was up, he seemed sad.. Freddie looked down and frowned "you never answered"

K froze "what?" He asked in confusion 

"How's it going" Freddie repeated for K

"..oh it's good, how about you" 

Freddie's face went dim, he knew Klaus was lying to him, he could tell. He may not have been very bright but he could tell someone s emotions from a mile away. He looked into klaus' eyes

"What's going on, I can tell somethings on your mind, Klaus" 

"I guess I'm just lost in thought. Sometimes a feel like an outcast for these feelings I have.." he muttered quietly. He wasn't lying but he was skimming past the truth  

"I've never related to a statement more, sometimes I feel like I'm different, and I feel people knew they might look down on me" Freddie was in deep, but he had a strange trust for Klaus. 

"What kind of different?" K asked

"Sometimes I- never mind, when do you wanna get those drinks?" Finkel asked taking his mind off his heart. 

K laughed a little "tomorrow?" He asked "tomorrow works for me.." 

         Finkel's eyes widened, that was soon! He was excited of course but he was nervous as well. "Yeah that works." He muttered "I'm gonna head to bed now, see you tomorrow Klaus." He heads inside not giving Klaus enough time to think. He didn't lie though, he did fall asleep instantly. It was a very nice sleep, almost dreamless, it was calm. When he did wake it was nearly noon. He had missed breakfast and lunch but didn't seem to care, instead he thought about Klaus, his beautiful eyes, of coarse one had a bandage over it but he knew it would be pretty as well. He had huge muscles, his smile could make light for a light house and his lack of self respect seemed to top it off. He was everything finkel could want in a man, sure he was much older but for some reason, in this one scenario, he didn't care

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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