Chapter 1410

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Bai Qingqing said "bad" in her heart, and apologized: "I'm sorry, i'll wipe it."

Bai Qingqing hands over a toilet paper and Wang Cuiniu pats it off with her backhand for a long time. Her slender fingers point straight to the tip of Bai Qingqing's nose and her voice is sharp and harsh: "are you nuts? This is the new shoes I bought yesterday! You compensate me!"

Bai Qingqing saw that there was a roommate going out. She thought it was a failure today, and she didn't rush any more. She said patiently, "the shoes are just wet. Just dry them. If you don't have shoes, I have a pair of sandals. Wear mine."

"Who wants your broken shoes?" Wang Cuiniu glares at Bai Qingqing fiercely. Seeing that there is still water in her basin, she reaches out and grabs it. She wants to wet Bai Qingqing's shoes.

Bai Qingqing saw Wang Cuiniu's intention and hurriedly dodged. The washbasin fell into Wang Cuiniu's hands.

Wang Cuiniu's beautiful face showed a malicious smile, she raised her arm, will wash the water toward the Bai Qingqing splashed in the past.

Wang Jing reacts very quickly. From grabbing the washbasin to splashing the water, it looks like running water. As soon as Bai Qingqing dodges, the water comes after Wang Ciuniu.

Bai Qingqing can avoid using Parker's ability, but there are too many students around. She has a big movement and needs to bump into them, and the people she sees will certainly be surprised by her speed.

In this short moment, Bai Qingqing has experienced hesitation and choice. Finally, she has chosen to be punished by this, which is called "the two Wang Dynasty".

At that time, Bai Qingqing turned her head to feel cool, but she didn't want a slim figure in front of her.

A sound of water fell. Before Bai Qingqing could see the man clearly, she heard Wang Cuiniu's voice.

"Girl! What are you doing? It's all wet." Wang Jing threw the basin at her and quickly wiped her face.

"Ah?" Bai Qingqing is more surprised than Wang Cuiniu. She looks at Wang cuiniu like a ghost.

Wang cuiniu's hair and coat were wet for the most part, and she looked embarrassed and pitiful. When she noticed that Bai Qingqing was looking at her, she turned her head away in embarrassment.

Bai Qingqing catches the flash of shame in Wang cuiniu's eyes. Wang cuiniu still hates her very much, but seems to dare not offend her.

Wang Jing helps Wang cuiniu wipe the water, and chatters.

Wang cuiniu impatiently left the corner of her mouth and waved Wang Jing's hand: "OK, let's go."

Finish saying, Wang cuiniu took Wang Jing to run.

Tang Li also packed up, went to Bai Qingqing's side, looked at the two back figures in front of her, wondering, "did Wang cuiniu take the wrong medicine?"

Bai Qingqing also wondered, shrugged and said, "who knows? Let's hurry up."

They also ran out quickly.

In fact, Bai Qingqing felt that Wang cuiniu had a problem with her attitude yesterday. Her eyes seemed to be dodging, as if she was afraid of her.

Bai Qingqing thought: did Curtis teach her a lesson? It's impossible. She and Wang cuiniu didn't have much fierce collision. Curtis should find a new one if he wants to teach a lesson.

Shaking her head, Bai Qingqing is too lazy to think about it. She can do it without affecting herself.

The fourth class this morning is physical education. It's probably because physical education teachers like playing basketball, so they teach playing basketball every time.

I have done basic skill exercises, and I have free time for most classes.

Boys love playing basketball in the fourth class of P.E. at noon, because the P.E. teacher is very accommodative and allows them to play again after class. The P.E. committee is responsible for returning the basketball. They have a lot of time to play.

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