Part 8

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I always knew they liked each other, I had that gut feeling. Maybe he was just trying to lead me on, but he doesn't seem the type to do that.

"Ugh!" I groaned as I shut my laptop aggressively.

"I'm guessing you aren't doing the homework tonight?" He said. I placed my laptop beside me before grabbing my DS.

"There's too much shit on my mind right now to even think, Jessie." He nodded and grabbed one of my notebooks.

"I'll do it for you then. I'll just change it up a bit and look up big words to make it sound like you." I breathed out a laugh as I thanked him.

"You're too fucking nice, Jessie. How did I manage to find you? It's like someone just created you and stuck you in my life." He laughed as I thanked him again and began playing on my DS.

After a few hours, Jessie headed to his dorm for the night since he had an early class the next morning.

"Mhm, goodnight!" I shut the door and see Ted and his friend, who's name I believe is Charlie, sitting on the couch watching tv. I walked past them, heading towards my room, but was stopped by Charlie.

"So, Maggie... What are you going to school for?" I sighed before turning around and seeing them both staring at me.

"I'm going for film. I've wanted to be a director since I was in middle school. There was a play and I didn't want to be a character, but someone who filmed and helped the characters." He nodded before asking more questions about me.

After a few minutes of an uncomfortable conversation, I finally decided to hit the hay.

"Hey, Charlie, it was nice talking to you, really. But I'm really tired and wanna go sleep, I'll talk to you tomorrow." He nodded and I went to my room, throwing myself onto the bed.

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in through the blinds and birds chirping.

I groaned before sitting up and rubbing the tiredness from my eyes. Today's a Saturday so I got to stay in and not have class, score!

I laid back down on the bed with a big smile on my lips.

You know what I'm gonna do today?


I'm gonna have a 'mental breakdown' and dye my hair!

I jumped out of bed, making lots of noise. I pulled on a cram sweatshirt and some sneakers before brushing my hair and grabbing my phone.

"Where you headed?" I look at the two boys who were in the same position as last night.

"Gonna go have a mental breakdown, see ya," I said as I closed the door and left the building.

Emo, or kawaii?

"You having a mental breakdown too?" A girl said from beside me. I nodded whilst laughing.

"What's the best color to go with?" She looked at the colors quizzically.

"You like Harley Quinn?" I nod before being handed red and black.

"Then you must like the old version of her." I laugh before thanking her and going to check out.

Once I had gotten home it was starting to rain.

"Hey, Maggie, whatcha got there?" I couldn't ignore him.

"Some dye. Why?" He shrugged before his face turned to surprise.

"You're re-dying your hair? To what?" I laughed.

"To red and black. And if it doesn't look good then back to my natural, brown, hair color." He watched me walk into our bathroom.

"Can I watch?" I shrugged.

"I guess." He sat on the toilet as I got everything ready.

I got out the baking and dandruff shampoo and poured equal amounts into a little dye bowl before brushing it into my hair. I put a shower cap on and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing and repeating the process until almost all the blue was out.

"You look like a dumb blonde bitch." He said from behind me.

"I'm from the BBB, bitch. I'm better than you." I saying in a high pitch voice.

I then got the bleach out, mixing it before putting it on the parts that still had color.

"This is taking forever!" He looked like he had gotten an idea when he ran out of the bathroom only to return moments later with his camera.

"Say hi to the camera, Maggie!" I flipped the camera off before rinsing out the bleach that had been sitting for a little while.

"Now she's gonna go through a mental breakdown guys and dye her hair." He had the camera on the countertop facing me as I started applying the red dye to my right side.

"That looks really cool actually." He said softly, watching me putt the dye on ever layer of hair.

After almost 3 hours of dying my hair and doing everything, it was finally time for the big reveal.

"Open your eyes in 3, 2, 1, open!" I opened them and looked in the mirror.

"Ew, I look like an e-girl. Well, I guess It's back to brown then!"

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