Sixteen: Kagome, Miroku and Sango's Deaths

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* Yoru's Pov *

I slowly opened my eyes to see Renkotsu and Inuyasha. Inuyasha... However after hearing a blast, Inuyasha immediately heads out while Renkotsu closes the door behind him. 

He then takes the bottle of the Shikon no Kakera from Kagome. I clench my fist tight as I slowly stand up.

"Hands off of Kagome-chan!" I yelled weakly. 

"Ho? I didn't expect you to be awake" He says.

"Hand over those fragments" I said while attempting to change into my Kyuubi form but it failed. 

"Forget it. You can't transform since you're so weak" He says. 

"I am not weak like some dead person. Poison Palm!" I said and attacked him but he easily dodges. 

"You can still attack?"

"Hand over... The fragments"

"Hmph, you all can die now" He says. 

Renkotsu immediately spills oil around the temple and began burning it. However, I cursed myself for being weak. 

"K-Kagome-chan... Shippo, Shippo wake up!" I said, trying to shake the fox awake. 

"Kagome, wake up Kagome! It's me Myoga!" I heard a tiny voice said.

Myoga? Isn't he the flea that runs away most of the time?

"M-Myoga? Is that you Myoga-jii-chan?" I ask.

"Hmm? Oh my- K-Kyuubihime!" Myoga exclaims. 

"Myoga-jii-chan... Save Kagome-chan and the others... Quick!" I said before falling into darkness again. 

Later I was shaken awake by Shippo who is trying to protect Kagome and the others from the fire. I rub my eyes and slowly stand up and my eyes widen. 

"Damn that Renkotsu. He really set the temple on fire" I mumbled and changed into my kyuubi form. 

Though my strength isn't fully back yet because of the sleeping drug. I have resisted long enough. Wait, where is Renkotsu? He must have escaped. 

The woods suddenly fell and I pushed Kirara out of the way which landed on me instead. Kirara was safe but got reverted back to her tiny demon cat form. 

"Yoru! The fire is burning your back!" Shippo cries out. 

"G-Get Kagome-chan out of here hurry!!" I said. 

Inuyasha suddenly came in and removes the wood that was above me.

"Kirara! Yoru!"

"I-Inuyasha... Renkotsu, a monk is the Band of Seven" I said.

"I already know that but first, we need to get all of you out of here" says Inuyasha. 

"Shippo, is there... Trying his best to protect Kagome and the others despite... Me telling him to get them away" I said and groaned when my back hurts.

"Shippo! You're alive!" Inuyasha says as he goes to him. 

Meanwhile, I held Kirara close to me as I was starting to have trouble breathing due to the smoke. At this rate...

"Everyone stopped breathing!" Shippo cries out and my eyes widen.

Kagome...? Hearing Shippo's words, my eyes started to brim with tears. I got up weakly and walk towards Kagome and try to feel her pulse.

Tears started to fall as I try to feel for Sango's and Miroku's. But nothing... I held Kirara close to me as I let the tears fall out of my eyes. Kagome can't be dead... I promised myself.

"Yoru, can you feel their pulse?" Inuyasha ask, hoping that I could but...

"Kagome-chan..." I could only cry while mumbling her name...

Book 2: Yoru and Sesshomaru - Kyuubi Yokai and Inu YokaiWhere stories live. Discover now