chapter 4

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Timothée's p.o.v.

"What if she never calls me?  It's been almost a week now."  I looked at Saorise across the apartment.

"Timothée don't worry about it, she'll call.  She'd be dumb if she didn't."  She rolled her eyes.

"Don't say that."  She laughed at my comment.

"Why are you going so crazy over her?  Didn't you and Lily just break up?  Don't try and rush things it never ends up good."  She said with her thick Irish accent.

"Just forget I said anything, and i'm not rushing anything."  I scoffed and walked to get a beer.

I sat down next to Saorise and she was reading The Princess Bride, I scrolled on Instagram while drinking my beer.  I scrolled a little too deep and seen an article "Are Timothée and Lily-Rose really over?".  I closed the app and took a large drink from my beer and set my phone down a little harsh.

"Goodness what's up with you?"  Saorise asked while frowning.

"Do the articles ever get to you?  I mean maybe I just hate how everyone know's every single detail of my life, I just don't get it."  I looked at her from across the couch.

"I know, it sucks sometimes.  I just let it roll of my shoulders there is nothing you can really do."  She said and then messed with with my hair.

About an hour later I was alone in my apartment.  I walked to the bathroom to take a shower and heard my phone ring from my bedroom.  I lightly ran to my phone.

"This better be her."  I said to myself.

Oh.  I read the contact name.  Lily Rose.  I answered the phone and could instantly hear her shaky breaths.

"Hello?"  I said as my voice cracked.

"Hi Timmy."  I could just hear her smile through the phone, I could feel a smile of my own form.

"How's it going?"  I sat on my bed looking at the floor and worried about what she would say next.

"Can you meet me somewhere?"  

"Uh, yeah where at?"  

"Our spot, meet in ten?"


"Okay."  I could feel her smiling now.

When she hung up I let out the air from my lungs that I didn't even know I was holding in.  I put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.  I grabbed my keys and walked out.  

The coffee shop, our place.  It was ten at night but the city acted like it eight a.m. like any other night.  The curtains on the inside of the windows even reminded me of her.  I walked up to the building and looked where the spilt pink tea would've been.  I opened the café door and seen her sitting there with her hair tied up.  She looked up from her phone with a big smile.  Her smile is so contagious that it made me smile without realizing it at first.  I sat down across from her, we just looked each other in the eyes for a minuet.

"I missed you."  She said still with the smile on her face.

"Missed you too."  I really did deep down, "I'll go and get us some coffee."  I got back up and she nodded.

I walked over the counter but no one was there.  I ranged the bell that was on the counter.  

"Coming!"  A girl said from the back, "What can I get you?"  She said while setting the clean mugs down.  Her green eyes locked into mine again.

"Hi,"  I said to Amiah.

"Hi, let me guess.  Coffee?"  She laughed, it instantly warmed my heart.

"Yeah, can I get two actually?"  I shoved my hands in my pockets nervously.

"Of course!"  She smiled and walked and grabbed too big mugs and filled them with black coffee, "Creamer?"  She looked back up at me, my eyes never left her.

"One with and one without please."  I gave her a smile which she returned.

"Here you go, $6 please."  She set the mugs on the counter for me.

"Here you go."  I gave her the money and grabbed the mugs but hoped she would say something before I walked off.

"Have a great night Timmy."  

"You too Amiah."  I smiled at her and walked back to the table.

When I sat down I looked back at Amiah but she instantly turned her head and walked away.

"Why thank you!"  Lily said while grabbing her coffee and I sipped mine.

"Yeah, so why'd you want to meet here?"  I asked curiously.

"I just wanted to see you, I feel like this isn't right."  She grabbed my hand that was on the table, I looked up at her but behind her I could see Amiah glancing at us.  I pulled my hand away from her grip.

"Lily, we need time apart.  I still love you I really do but we just need time to grow more."  I looked into her eyes but I could see them already welding up with tears.

"I know."  She said softly while looking down at her coffee.  

We talked for about twenty minuets before we both decided it was time to leave.  We walked out of the coffee shop and were bombarded with people with cameras flashing.  

"C'mon this way."  I grabbed her hand and we quickly ran to my car while the people were yelling our names.  We got into the car and we looked at each other.

"That was crazy."  She laughed.

"Yeah it was, where did you park?"  I asked her while starting the car and putting on my seat belt.

"Um, I didn't drive here.  I walked."  She put on her seat belt.

"You walked?  Lily that's almost a twenty minuet walk!"

"I know, I just needed a good walk.  Can you just take me to my dads place please."  She looked away from me and out the window.

"Yeah of course."  We pulled out and the people kept following the car until we got almost a block away, "Is your dad in town?"  

"No, just me.  I have to leave tomorrow actually to go to Romania for the movie."  

"Oh right, how's that going actually?"  I asked her.

"Good actually we just had a week break but after we get back we won't stop filming."  She picked up her phone.

"Oh wow."  She didn't respond, I just don't get it.  One minuet she want's all of my attention and affection but the next she doesn't care it seems like.

About ten minuets later we pulled up to her dads apartment.  She looked at me when I put the car in park.

"Did you want to come up?"  She looked at me with her brown eyes that blended in with the darkness of the car.

"No, I have to get back home I have breakfast with my parents tomorrow."  I smiled at her.  She leaned in but I froze.

Is this right?  She put her lips on mine, still as soft as I remember.  I pulled away.

"Lily, we can't."  I looked back into her eyes but her eyes were still focused on my lips.

"Oh um,"  She looked into my eyes and leaned back into the seat, "I'm sorry."  She put her hand to her forehead.

"It's okay."  

"Have a goodnight Timothée."  She didn't even look back at me, she got out of the car and walked into the building.

When I got back to the apartment I took my shower and went to bed thinking about her.  From the curtains, the pink stains, the coffee, her smile, and those green eyes. 

What A Year Can Do t.c.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant