Chapter 2: The Proposal

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This chapter was super fun to write. This is the last chapter from her 11-year-old perspective, and the last background chapter. Enjoy! P.S our main man is introduced! ;) He makes quite the entrance if I do say so myself.


She licked me!

My eyes flutter open and Blair is staring at me, her front half is low, and her butt is wiggling high in the air. She yips at me softly, her large tongue lolling out the side of her muzzle. She nudges me with her snout and the invitation is clear.

I jump and start to run. I chirp at her to follow, she begins to chase its fun. The others join in. We run and play. Blair growls anytime anyone gets too rough. She lets the wolves play fight, but doesn't tolerate anyone biting at me, Norah learns not to nip the hard way.

Miles catches up to me, I flop to the ground in defeat and he huffs warm breath on my face. I get up and shake my ears at him.

I let the wolves chase me, it's fun to dodge and weave. They are gentle and give me plenty of reassurance. Miles even lets me pin him down! I don't feel like prey anymore, I feel like I am part of the pack.

A while later we all calm down, the wolves wade into the shallow part of the river for a drink. I stay at the bank and lap it up eagerly. The girls look at each other than me and I can tell they are ready to change back. So am I.

They go to the woods and I go to my dress. The boys run off eager to try and pin the other. A few moments later the three of us are back in the clearing. My cheeks feel hot and I am sweaty. The girls still look amazing.

Blair speaks up first. "That was fun."

I nod in agreement

"You could," she pauses for a second then shakes her head, making up her mind  "You could come to the packhouse for lunch if you wanted"

She tries to act like it's no big deal, but I knew better. Mom told me how defensive wolves were of their pack land. It was high praise to be let onto pack territory, wolves were secretive when it came to pack matters, this could be awesome. Little Quinn Fellson all by herself eating lunch with wolves! Percy could never say I was lame now.

Wait? Lunch! Oh, Celery Sticks! Mom was gonna be mad. I should have been home by now!

Blair keeps talking in my silence. "We are having burgers."

I cringe. In the Before I knew humans ate all sorts of animals. Predators in the now still ate the unshifted beings, usually cows, chickens, pigs, and fish. I knew it was natural and they needed to eat, Percy ate fish, but the idea of eating flesh made me nauseous.

In the Before wolves would eat Deer and Rabbits. Things are different now.

Blair catches my discomfort and hastily adds, "We could make you a salad, my mom makes her own croutons." She wrings her hands and I feel bad telling her no.

"I'm really sorry Blair, I promised my mom I would be home for lunch." She looks at the ground frowning.

"Next time I promise!" I smile after I speak, she returns it.

Norah comes up and gives me a tight hug, my feet off the ground again. I laugh and pat her head.

I start to leave. I would need to talk to mom when I got home. She would be upset about my disobedience,  but I could make her change her mind about wolves. I know I could.

I am almost out of the clearing when Eli still in wolf form comes up to me. I gingerly pat his snout and then continue on. I take a step and Eli grabs my skirt and pulls backward.

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