Chapter 4: The Murderer

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Okay my guys, Long chapter here, bare with me! It didn't feel right trying to chop it up into two different pieces.  Comments and Kudos are so VERY much appreciated! Please enjoy!

PS. planned updates will still be on Thursdays/Fridays.


The sun is peaking over the trees when I start my trek. The path is wide enough that walking in the very middle almost makes me forget about the forest that surrounds me. Almost.

The solitude was pleasant at first. Giving me time to think. Five minutes later I had imagined my whole family dying and contemplated whether or not I should cut my own bangs. I decided to stop thinking, it was better for everyone, and observed the path around me.

The leaves were vibrant. I spy a patch of wildflowers up ahead and pick a few. Crickets and birds hummed and chirped, creating a song of sort. I begin to whistle. Trying to imitate the noises that echo out of the trees.

By the time I decide to break for lunch, I was clutching a bundle of flowers as big as my head, and had mastered my bird calls. Guess who was catfishing a bluejay? (Me!)

I stop under a patch of shade that an oak tree casts, I have been walking for a little under 7 hours. My first waterkeeper is empty and I crack open my second.

Mom packed me a fruit and veggie spread, we make our own peanut butter. I rest my back against the bark of the tree, the bite of the wood is worth getting off my feet. I dip an apple slice and enjoy the respite.

When I stand back up the clouds above my head have darkened angry patches of black and grey bloom in the skies. I quickly gather the belongings I scattered around me. Why did I spend so much time savoring my lunch?! It's not like I haven't had vegetables before?

I quicken my pace trying to make up for lost time. Hoping it would be enough to beat the storm.


It was not.

When the rain starts, I am still able to walk in it. An hour later I can barely see a thing. The dark skies, rain, and my lack of night vision making it impossible to navigate. The weather makes me nervous and I decided to find somewhere dry to wait out the storm. I was one slip away from a twisted ankle.

It takes me twenty-five more minutes to find sufficient shelter. I am pretty sure I would never be dry again.

The tree was a few feet past the path boundary and held a small hole at the base that led to a larger cavity inside. It was dry and well insulated. The only drawback was that I would have to shift for it to work. The idea of shifting alone this far from home made me uneasy. I chewed my lip, debating. I would be okay, right?

Shrugging my shoulders I begin to undress. I lay my wet clothes outside the space and wedge my bag through the opening.

No sane person would be out in weather like this, besides being in my thick fur even briefly sounded like heaven. I don't give myself any time to chicken out. I shift and scurry into the opening.

The scent of the wood is pleasant and the sawdust that coats the floor is dry and cozy. I feel my eyes close despite the raging weather. I hope my aunt won't be too worried.


My eyes flash open. The world around me is electrified. Sparks rain down outside. The smell of ozone is so thick my eyes burn. The boom of thunder that follows makes my ears ring. The earth shakes. My instincts kick in. I am running out of the hollow, my body reacting faster than my brain.

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