Chapter 11: The Ingredient

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Thanks for bearing with me. I am excited about this chapter, I feel like it helps tie a lot of the plot together! Since plot is hard for me, I am kinda proud to show my work. Please comment on what interests you and vote at the end!!! Means a ton! Thank you!

You know the saying that you don't know you were in the good ole days until they're gone. Well, apparently my good ole days were 5 seconds ago before Clay opened his mouth. Because!

Clay was Clayton Knox.

Clayton Knox was Alpha Knox.

And Alpha Knox saw me naked! I mean I also bad mouthed the way he ran his pack and was probably going to be executed, but that was small potatoes because... Alpha Knox saw me naked!

I can't go on! Thinking that any old wolf maybe possibly wanted to bond with me was already far fetched. I mean come on! I'm a five-foot-nothing rabbit, who is emotionally unstable, and can't confront someone to save my life. A clear downgrade for most wolves- but the alpha!?

I crumple into myself. Tugging the hairbands out of my braids. Creating a makeshift curtain between me and the world. My head burrowed into my sweaty palms. I have never been so mortified in my whole life. The things I've said around him; the things I've done!

A warm hand rests itself on the small of my back. The feather-light touch begins to dissolve all the fear and negativity of the day. I lean back. My body running on autopilot as I try to process. This has been a lot.

I know its Clayton's hand on my back. Just like I know its stupid to let myself think it means anything, but the comfort it brings -he brings- is undeniable. My feelings are already out of hand and are almost out of arms reach. If I don't start now I won't ever be able to reign them in. I know this. I know this only ends badly for me. However this moment, this small, trivial moment is worth all the heartache in the future.

I peak at him through the corner of my eye. He and Blair are in a serious staring competition, completely oblivious to the hand on my back. As I expected, it means nothing to him and everything to me.

His thumb starts to rub slow circles, above where I know a dimple sits. My mind blanks, pure ephoria rushing my body. I don't know why I've worried about anything ever. The only thing that matters is this. The only thing worth thinking about is his hands on my body. I lift up my head and slide closer to him. I should be with him. I need to be with him. I can keep him safe. We can keep each other safe. He's mine.


My hand snakes out and grabs his knee. The urge to touch him stronger then I've ever felt before. I make no atttempt to quench it. In this moment clearly why animals restrained will chew their own limbs off. If anyone tried to separate me from him, knawing through my wrist would be the least of my concerns.

Clayton breaks off his staring contest. He looks down at me, whatever he sees shocks him. His mouth parts and his eyes widen. He looks delicious. I want to- to devour him. I have never felt anything like this before, this all-encompassing hunger. I didn't even think myself capable of feeling this level of want, no need. I lick my lips and move my head closer. His eyelids lower, partial concealing his dilated pupils.

Blair is saying something, and I could care less.

My hands snake up grabbing the front of his shirt. The rips in the fabric grow. He smiles at me, teeth sharp. It makes me feel lovely, powerful. I grin back. My body burns with need. The need for what? I shake my head twice, my movement lethargic. Whatever, who cares?

"Devour me." I whisper into his ear, my words slur together. I lean back and bat my eyelashes at him.

His expression clouds, he looks away from me jaw tense and brows furrowed. I frown. Did I do soemthing wrong? I inch closer and smile coyly trying to get his attention back. Instead of leaning in, he sits up straighter removing thehand still rubbing circles on my back. He then gently unclenches my hands from his shirt, inching away from me. Not looking at me once in the process.

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