Ch. 2: Switching Rooms

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"i fucking hate this idea"

jungkook rolls on the bed which is not his and obviously it was jimin's, he continues on finding his comfortable sleeping position but it seems like none is working.

you see, he was supposed to accept jimin's offer since his bed was really comfortable and that bed is the only thing his body wants to sleep on, but sleeping beside jimin? no, no jungkook doesn't like sleeping with someone, especially the one who he hates.

"why did i let him have my room!" he groans, hugging the pillow tightly as if it can put him to sleep. the bed he was lying on is comfortable too but he still wants his own bed, "should i go to him? and- oh no no don't, I'll just sleep here" jungkook fought with himself, still rolling on the bed, as he was about to stand up and go to his room so he can pull jimin out of there, but since his the older one he can't do that.

few hours later, jungkook is still awake his eyes are now completely close and yet he's still not satisfied, doing all the tricks online such as blinking rapidly is still not working for him, it's still his bed who can do magic on him.

but later on, someone opened the door of the room as light shone out to the room from the other side "jungkook?" oh it's jimin, jungkook didn't respond as he keeps quiet not wanting to argue with jimin in the middle of the night.

jungkook pretended he's asleep, snoring lightly so it will look realistic but jimin is still not going away, "jungkook, i know you're still awake, just go back to your room and I'll sleep here".

jungkook will not fall for that trick, not tonight. jimin sighs, walking towards the younger "are you seriously going to be stubborn now? I'm actually letting you go back to your room", jimin says calmly, he is now standing near the bed which is jungkook's back he's facing, jungkook kept snoring purposely hinting him to go away "ugh fine, suit yourself then".

after that, jimin closed the door as darkness occupied the room again, the younger who's having trouble ealier is now slowly drifting off to sleep, not moving as he didn't want to be awake again.



a hand caressed his cheeks, softly rubbing his thumb over his little scar, "jungkookie", the younger boy let out a whine as his lips form into a pout, making the older who's beside him coo.

"10 more minutes.." jungkook replies before he turns around and curls into a ball while still hugging the pillow which he was hugging yesterday night. jimin frowns at his reply, not wanting to let the food that he made for him to be put into waste, so instead of calling his name, he got an idea.

jimin crawls on the bed, reaching for jungkook's little body as he hovers on top of him not waking up the younger, carefully leaning down to his ear and saying, "wake up little one or I'll force you out of this bed and give you 10 spanks on your cute little ass, do you want that?", not forgetting to nibble on jungkook's earlobe.

the other immediately opens his eyes preparing to curse at him, turning his head to look at jimin not noticing that their faces are so close to each other causing him to stop his lips from saying anything, the blush on jungkook's cheeks didn't go unnoticed by jimin, thinking that his idea worked well.

jungkook was still caged between jimin's arms, and he doesn't know what to do in this situation, seeing him up close is really making his heart flutter but still, hates him.

the younger saw jimin staring at his lips as he gets nervous, what the hell am i supposed to do now!?

'is he going to kiss me?'

'oh shit please don't'

'he's my stepbrother for fuck's sake!"

jimin was closing in the gap while jungkook is still staring at him, waiting for someone to save him at the moment, but it seems like no one is interested in saving him from jimin.

jungkook slowly closed his eyes, still waiting for someone to come here and stop jimin, but a low chuckle caused him to open his eyes again, "what? are you expecting a kiss?" jimin smirks, moving away from the younger as he get off the bed, "like hell i would expect it from you" jungkook glared at him, sitting up as his back is against the headboard.

"aww look at you, don't worry I'll give you thousands of kisses on your lips next time, maybe on your body too"

"what did you say!"

"oh nothing jungkookie, just come down and eat", jimin left the room, leaving a confused jungkook behind.


"koo! you finally joined us! come sit down and eat" junghee stood up and goes towards his jungkook as she pulls her son to the dining area, sitting him down beside jimin. "i-i want to switch seats", jungkook was about to stand up but jimin caught his arm forcing him down back on the chair,"eat, jungkookie", jimin smiled at him a soft one, as he gulped down nodding at him before picking up the utensils in front of him.

"wow jimin, you really can handle my son"

"it's nothing mom, he's an obedient boy, aren't you jungkookie?", jimin pats his head waiting for the younger to reply, "s-shut up, you dick" jungkook stutters out as his mother gave an apologetic smile to jimin.

"it's fine mom, anyways let's eat!"

the family happily eats jimin's home cooked meal, junghee praising him for his cooking skills not forgetting telling jungkook about doing the same as his stepbrother. jungkook may look like he's eating it, but no he isn't he will just nibble on it and put it back on the plate it looks delicious on his eyes but he's sure that it will taste horrible his hand gripping on the fork that he was holding, jimin noticed jungkook's behavior sighing in the process as he move his chair closely to jungkook's.

leaning in, whispering on his ear.

"eat my food or eat my dick?"

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