Part 2: morando

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(Sorry for my bad spelling)

Krels pov:
I was almost to the mothership, it was just in view, but then my arm's were pinned to my side. I yelped in pain as a metal hand touch the cut on my arm "Varvatos! Help!" I screamed hoping to get his attention.
I saw varvatos run outside the mothership with his seratore active" let go of the king in waiting!" varvatos said yelling at the bot holding me close.
That's when a ship, morandos ship, landed with morando exiting it. Morando walked up fo me and said " good night, my son"
I was in shock. Then morando injected this stuff into my arm. Next thing I know was hearing varvatos yelling at morando, then every thing went black.

Varvatos pov:
I came outside to see the king in waiting being captured by one of morandos bots "let go of the king in waiting!" I said to the bot.
Suddenly a ship landed with morando exiting it. I growled at the sight of him walking up to the king in waiting. He must have said something to surprise the king in waiting because he was frozen in shock, the morando injected this stuff into him, "what did you do to the king in waiting!" I yelled.
The king in waiting passed out, then the bot started carrying him into the ship. I charged at morando "Ah, varvatos, you always had been the one to run into battle" morando said dodging my attacks. He got in his ship and took off saying "you will see me again"

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