part 3: son?

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Ajas POV:
I was fighting the robot when it took off and headed for a ship that was flying away. Me and toby ran back to my place to check on krel and varvatos to make sure that their ok.
We got there to see varvatos upset and running into the mothership. We ran after him, but when we got to him, he was mumbling to him self "varvatos, are you ok?" I asked.
"Varvatos is not ok queen in waiting, varvatos fail the king in waiting, varvatos failed... I failed krel." Varvatos said with with his head hang. " varvatos,  what happened to krel?" I asked with worry in my voice.
"morando has him"

Krels POV:
I woke up to morando patching up my cut. "Morando, were am I" I said with worry in my voice.
"You are coming home with me" he said finishing up my bandage.
"But why me?" I asked
"Because, krel, you are my son"

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