part 4: back home

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Keels pov:
"Because krel, you're my son."
I couldn't believe my ears. So many thoughts were going through my head, I didn't realize that we were at akaridion-5 already.
"Bots, bring my son to his corters." Morando said to his bots.
I was dragged out of the ship and saw many akaridion's starring at me in shock.
I remember going through the halls of the castle but only looking at the floor. I didn't dare look up, to fear that I might see something horrifying.
When we stopped, we were in a room, my old room before we left.
It still had machines all over the floor.
I started crying at the sight of my old room.
I sat on my bed and watched as the door closed behind the bots as they left the room.
I sat in my room for about 30 minutes before morando came in.
"I see your getting comfortable." He said as the door closed.
"I...I'm confused, how am I your son?" I said getting to the point.
"When you were little the king and queen took you from me before I knew about you. They raised you as there own and left me clueless until I looked through there private records." He said pulling me into an embrace and all I could do was cry and hug him back.
"B-but why m-me?" I studdered. "Because you're special."

krel morando Where stories live. Discover now