The Cure

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As Scarlet sped through Idaho, she felt her sickness returning with a vengeance. It was worse than it had been before, and she didn't think she would make it. They pulled over so she could throw up and then Adrian drove. He went almost a hundred miles per hour as they flew past Boise. Scarlet squirmed and writhed in the seat next to him, sure that she would die at any moment.

"We're almost home," Adrian said to her, his voice low and soothing. "Just another hour or so and we'll be there, okay?"

"Ugh," Scarlet groaned. She could not form a single word; her pain was excruciating. Tears fell from her eyes as her head pounded and her stomach turned and twisted. Her bones ached, her joints were on fire, and she couldn't help but scream out in pain when intermittent shocks of burning, stabbing pain shot through her whole body. Adrian gripped her hand in his.

Finally, they reached Annex. Adrian cruised through stop signs, knowing how desolate his home town was, and took every shortcut known to the locals. He pressed the gas pedal all the way to the floor as they flew down the narrow dirt road that led to Peter's cabin. When he pulled up in front of the tiny house, Peter was standing on the front porch, hands on his hips, waiting. Adrian knew that he'd heard them coming, knew that he had felt Scarlet's presence growing closer, and wished he could break their bond with his fists.

The truck jerked to a stop and Scarlet pushed the door open, rolling out of the truck to land on her hands and knees in the grass. Strong hands lifted her up and wrapped around her and she practically howled as she pressed her face against Peter's chest. All the pain melted away so fast that it almost hurt more than the pain itself. She felt her muscles relax, her joints and bones stopped aching, and her head was finally clear. She sobbed, the sounds muffled against Peter's shirt, already soaked with Scarlet's tears.

He squeezed his arms tightly around her and hummed soothing words into her ear. His rough hands rubbed circles on her back, and Peter couldn't help but smile.

Inside, Adrian delivered the leaves to Penny. She looked up from the magazine she'd been staring blankly at, seemingly surprised at the sight of Adrian.

"Eat these," Adrian said. "Now."

Penny frowned at him. Her hand slowly reached out, trembling slightly, and took the silk pouch from him. She opened it up and peered inside.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Just eat it," Adrian replied. "Supposed to be a cure. I don't know." He glanced toward the door, waiting for Scarlet and Peter to come in. He wasn't sure he wanted to witness any more of their reunion.

Penny reached into the pouch and pulled out the three leaves. She eyed them curiously, then put them into her mouth and chewed, her face screwing up as if it were the worst thing she'd ever tasted.

Adrian watched intently as if he would be able to see the change in Penny instantly. Instead, she just chewed, swallowed, and gagged a little. She chased the leaves with a sip of water from the glass on the coffee table. Then she looked up at him.

"I don't feel anything," said Penny.

"Just wait," Adrian said. "Give it some time."

Outside, Peter still held onto Scarlet. The pain was gone and she finally stopped crying, but she wasn't ready to let go of him. The warmth radiating off of his body, wrapping itself around Scarlet like a blanket, made her feel better than she ever had in her entire life. She never wanted to leave Peter's side, never wanted to know what living without him would be like.

Adrian was right, she didn't know him at all. She didn't know what kind of person he really was, didn't know much about his past. But what she did know was that he made her feel more like herself than she ever could have imagined. There, wrapped in Peter's arms, she was home.

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