Entry 3

48 5 20

Friday,May 22,4:56 PM

I know what to get for Adam now...it may be a little hard though but its manageable I think...Loba told me about it,Its a gold charm,with white pearls and a diamond on it as well,the charm is literally made of gold,she says its in a jewelry store,nobody can buy anything from there because the prices are so high,she also told me that the place is heavily guarded,possibly even more than Hammond...but if I succeed at this,not only will I have something for Adam,but I'll also prove that I am a true thief...I'm taking my chances...nothing is stopping me from taking this charm and I mean nothing not even Kody nor Alex not even my own Father can stop me,the choice has been made..I will take this charm tonight and I will do it and I'll do it alone..I'll keep you guys updated..

I have to go,my dad is taking me to go see Pathfinder today..wish me luck..

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