Entry 4

41 5 25

Saturday,May 23,1:57 AM

            I'm uh back from the jewelry store..I am a little tired from it though,I mean it is 1:57 AM and my Mom would be furious if she found out that I was still awake at this time so I have to be a little careful,and quiet to..I did get the charm to..I'll show Loba in the morning that I have done it...she'll be impressed and I know it,and then I'll give it to Adam,I don't know if he'll like it or not but hey,I at least can say that I have succeeded with the robbery no?I am pretty sure Loba would be pleased though,I stole from this store and the guards were like everywhere and I mean everywhere and hey I did it,which means that I can probably steal from Hammond to..my Abuelo would be proud of me if I did,and I will steal from Hammond as much as I would like,I know what I want and I know how to get it,and thats one thing for sure

I have to go to bed because it is calling me for sleep from the heavens -w-

Cirella's DiaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora