What Are This?!???!??!

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Poseidon caught me once we got to where ever we went. " Yea, sorry, I forgot to mention, your first teleportation might be a little weird " He said placing me on my feet and making sure I wouldn't fall over again. " it's fine dad, thanks, where are we? " I asked looking at the pine tree to the right of us. " This, Omega, is Half-Blood hill, the ' front yard ' of Camp Hald-Blood. " He put air quotes around front yard. " Welcome, Omega, to Camp Half-Blood ". " T-This is alot to take in, maybe to much " and my vision tunneled, and my knee's locked. " wow there, let me get you to the Big House " dad said picking me up from my feet, and holding me bridal style. ( that sounded weird in my mind, I mean really, your dad picking you up bridal style...) He started walking and made it to a huge building. I guessed that was the Big House, because 

A) It looked like a ' BIG HOUSE ' 

And B) We stopped infront of it.

I saw 6 people there ( I put Hazel, Frank, and Nico at Camp Jupiter, but don't worry you will see plenty of them soon. I also made Leo not get Calypso, sorry Caleo shippers, I am one myself, but I have a plan for Leo... ) A girl with blond hair, a guy holding her hand, that looked really similar to me, a boy with brown curly hair smiling next to a girl with choppy brown hair, who was holding hands with a blond haired guy, and last a guy who was HALF HORSE,OMG. ( MOUTHFULL OF WORDS ) Then I blacked out, hopefully for the last time today.

* HAAAAIIII, i'm that little thing ' EVERYBODY LOVES ', A time skip, fine only like 3 days *

Once I finally woke, I saw black feathers. yep you heard me, black feathers. A huge lump of black feathers was in my face. ' what are these ' I asked myself sitting up. ' oh, OH, OMG, ARE THESE WINGS ' Then I screamed, and fell off the white cotton bed I was on. I was just happy no one was in the room with me. But just my luck the doors slammed open and the 6 people, plus dad came in the room. " What's wrong, why did you scream " The the curly haired guy said helping me off the floor. " thanks, and I screamed because, First I didn't know where I was, and second, it's not everyday that a person wakes up and has wings in her face " I said flabbergasted ( I LOVE THAT WORD TOOOOO, JUST LIKE THE WORD PLOP, HEH, PLOP ) " well my name is, Leo Mcshizzel Valdez, that is Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, his girlfriend, Jason Grace, Piper Mclean, his girlfriend, and that is Chiron, and I think you already know Poseidon, who brought you to camp, weird that a god just brings you to camp like that, you must be special ". Then I sat down on the bed, " you mean, my mom's really dead, " I asked letting a  tear, go down my face. " I'm sorry " I said then ran out the room, and towards the smell of salt water. I guess thats what happens when your a daughter of Poseidon.

 Aaaaaaaand how was that for a chapter? Also yes, the 'are' in the title was intended. It's like 10:01 at night where I live, and nooooo I will not tell you where I live... Stalkers, jk, jk. Ans last but not least, there is a QOTD in the comments. As always...



Percy Jackson's My Brother, Oh Never mind ( Omega French, PJO fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now