Part 4

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"Did you see who those fuckits had me seated next to for dinner? Chad. They are trying to set me up with a Chad, Rey. A. Chad."

Well that answered the question as to why Rose was huddled with Rey in the darkened corner, when there was a dance floor with Rose's name on it.
And it meant that Rey had someone to commiserate with.
Rey loved her friends, but massive parties and having to socialize had never been her thing.

"Would you prefer Brad? Because I swear if that man puts his hand on my person again, I'm going to remove it. From his body. With the butter knife." Rey said, with a feral smile which earned her a light laugh from Rose. Rey had promised Poe and Finn no bloodshed, but if Brad tried to initiate contact again, she couldn't be held accountable for her actions.
He had held her hand for too long when they were introduced. And put his hand on the small of her back or waist when moving around her. Rey had continuously been blowing him off since the drinks reception, but the man was not taking the hint.

"They didn't sit you next to Brad though."

"No. No. Poe just dragged him over and was like I think you two will be fast friends – you know like an arse."

"I swear they are drunk on love and power; and now seemed to be dead set on setting up any and all of their 'tragically single' friends." Rose grumbled in such an annoyed tone.

And they had the right to be annoyed!
They weren't tragically single.
There was nothing wrong with being single.

"We are not tragically single."

"Try telling the happy couple that." Rose said her eyes on high alert as she watched the sea of people, before turning her attention back to Rey once she assessed that they hadn't yet been noticed, and then asked Rey, "Do you think it is too late to hire an escort to act madly in love with me and keep Chad at bay?"

Rose was the best.
And Rey took up the action of scanning the crowd, "See if you can get a two for one spec –" her eyes fell on tall broad man, "You have got to be shiting me."

Her eyes had to be playing tricks on her.
Like there was no way.
No possible way that he was here.
In a suit.
Looking like a full meal and dessert.


Rose whipped around, crouching slightly as if she didn't know if she was going to have to run or fight.

"Ben!" And Rey's mouth ran away from her, because he was here, and he was going to be the ticket to her Brad free evening.
No bloodshed required.
Her dress was too pretty to get blood stains on it, and that had been her mantra to prevent her from punching Brad in the nose anytime he felt the need to 'accidently' touch her.

Also, Ben got to see her all done up.
Sure, she had traded in her heels for converse at the first available opportunity, but she was still in a pretty dress and half certain her makeup and hair were still in place.
She wanted him to know that she was pretty. It was stupid and superficial. But she loved the way he looked at her, and she wanted him to see her as a woman.
An attractive interesting woman.
Who he would maybe ask on a date.
A real date.

And now he was walking over to them.

Looking like he stepped out of one of her fantasies; he was the leading man in them these days, the only man for weeks now.
And his hands.
Fuck those hands.

She had never really thought that she had a 'kink' but Ben Solo's hands was her own personal kink. The other day, when she'd saved him from a client who clearly was hoping for more, he'd rested his hand on her thigh. Holy shite. Did he realize what that move did to a girl? It was still a miracle that she didn't move to feel his hand graze where she really wanted to feel his hand, she didn't know that she processed. Then he squeezed her leg and it took everything in her not to fidget, because she had grown heated and damp at that innocent touch.

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