Part 5

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So, he had the woman of his actual dreams in his apartment.
Rey was in his apartment.
And like, she was really there. Physically in his apartment.
Leaning against his kitchen counter wearing an outfit that was fucking his mental processing like ten ways to Sunday. The shirt she was wearing was too big, but she had tied it in that way women did, and he could now see an expanse of her lower abdomen - fuck, were those freckles on her hips? Then there were the shorts which showed off her long-toned legs and were of material that looked softer than his sweats – but more than that, the fact that they could so easily be pulled off (just the barest of tugs), the drawstring not even tied, was sheer fucking torture. And her feet! She had on these thick slouchy socks, which she was using to play with two of his kittens as they chased after her moving her feet. And, fuck, she looked just so at home padding around his apartment, with her hair down and looking so relaxed that all he wanted to do was to pull her on the couch and spend the rest of the day enjoying her company.

"You know that we normally do the impromptu fake relationship, this planning session is new."

"If we had planned out our fake dates, I could have been with you from the start at Poe and Finn's wedding."

"Okay. Point to you Benjamin." She pushed herself up, so that she could sit on his counter while Ben focused fully on preparing proper pour-over coffee. Well, tried to focus fully. He could feel her eyes homed in on the motion of his hand, moving in slow circles allowing the water to flow in a steady unhurried rhythm. And he refused to let his eyes drift over and see how her shorts would have ridden up, because she wasn't his, she was here as a favor. They were friends of sorts. He needed to keep reminding himself.
He had recited it as a mantra while dancing with her in the dim lighting of the wedding. Her body aligning perfectly with his. Her smiling and laughing with him the entire night. Her leaning against him in a booth of a 24-hour diner as she half-heartedly threw a fry at Rose when she made a comment about 'how precious' they were together. The way she had hugged him goodnight – her arms around his neck, body flush to his, her lips skimming just below his ear as she thanked him for being her fake boyfriend for the night.
Only it hadn't felt fake.
But she saw him as a friend, and he was going to be respectful of that.
First step was not ogling her legs as she was over here early on a Saturday as a favor.

"Why do you need me to be your girlfriend for hosting your boss over for dinner anyways?"

"I am an adult man with three cats, it doesn't make a good impression. Cats hold an unfair stigma. It'll look better if I have a serious significant other to balance out the cats. And I want them to see that I am stable and that they didn't make a bad bet on me."

"How would you ever be a bad bet? I'd bet on you every time." She nudged his shoulder, scooting closer on the counter.

"My last job – it wasn't a good one. And it's now a chain that is permanently around my neck; constantly weighing me down."

"Ben." Rey said in a way that was like a balm on his soul, and she reached out placing her delicate hand under his chin, and gently guided his gaze to her, her thumb brushing against his lower lip – and he had to fight every instinct that was screaming at him to part his lips and taste the offending digit.
He kept his lips firmly closed, but gave into Rey's guidance. If Rey wanted his attention, he'd give it to her.

"Whatever you want; whatever you need. I'm here for you. Just tell me how I can help you." Rey's hand had moved to cup his neck, her fingers moving in light circles.
Her helping to alleviate the pressure in his pants was the first thought coming to mind. What would she do if he told her he needed her lips on him?
That she could help by letting him taste her; suck, bite, lick, push until she cried out going over the edge. To know that he could bring such pleasure to her – that she wanted him.

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