Part 6

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Sunday, 12:17pm

Just want you to know that you were wrong

What are you talking about?
I'm never wrong

Ben has absolutely no interest in me 🙃

Wait, that wasn't loud enough for the people in the back
That man was looking at you like he wanted to tear off your clothes, ravish your body, and then make you homemade brownies and feed them to you and then lick off the crumbs from your lips and then do it all over again

Yeah, well, I tried to seduce him and every time he stepped away
Rose I had him pressed against me and I had his hands just above the promised land...
I fucking put them there Rose!
I had my head tilted back inviting him to kiss me...and he put distance between us
I had him pressed against my ass like could feel all the goods and nearly swooned only for him to jump away from me like I had the plague
This is stupid
I'm stupid

Say one more negative about yourself – so help me Rey

Its fine
I'm fine
It's just a silly crush. He's all tall, and gentle, and understanding and so fit.
Have I told you about his hands?

Have you thought about getting in his bed and just getting naked?
Or just show up to his place in your underwear with two outfits and tell him you can't decide?
OR - How about just asking him on a date like a normal person?

You are not helping

I'm a delight


Rey wanted to ride his fingers.
Was that an odd kink to have?
Like of course, she wanted his hands to be all over her over her; she just wanted him to touch her in any way she could get; but she really wanted to ride his fingers and have the heel of his palm grind into her clit. Wanted to bring herself to the edge, only for him to then lose control and flip her on her back and take control.
That intense stare of his roaming over her, meeting her gaze as her lips parted with a soft gasp, his eyes dark as night, looking at her like she was everything in the universe.

Earlier in the kitchen, when she had felt him against her ass, she had to fight a moan.
Ben had been hard, thick, long. Just the flimsy cotton of their sweats separating their bodies.
Hell, she had had a vision of him wanting her. Of him pulling her back against him, kissing her, his large hand bracketing her throat, holding her in place. Sliding his other hand into her shorts to cup her intimately, them both moaning at the feeling, and notching his erection between the cheeks of her ass. Of him canting his hips forward, while his hand with those fingers played her. Of him telling her how much he wanted her. Of how he wanted them to try for more.

But he hadn't done any of that.
No, he had stilled, and she had turned, wanting to see the expression on his face; Rey loved looking at his face and had wanted to see the desire she was feeling reflecting back. Only Ben looked more pained than anything else.
She had badly misread the situation.
So, it was just a bodily response – not one of actual interest.
And now they had spent most of Saturday before the dinner watching Netflix and chilling, in where he made absolutely no attempt to 'Netflix and Chill'.
And she got the memo loud and clear.
Only she couldn't seem to keep her mind from wandering to all the things she wanted to do to him, to have him do to her.
She had wanted nothing more than to press against him while on the couch. Her legs over his. Ben's massive hands high on the underside of her thigh, giving light comforting touches, as she rested her head on his broad, solid chest. Her hands drawing designs and writing secret words on his chest with her fingers, talking and laughing with him. It would have been lazy, cozy and intimate.
Fuck, she almost wanted that more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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