Chapter 1

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Its humid today. i thought to myself as i stepped out of my car and into the school parking lot. seems more like April weather.  i shrugged mentally as i walked across the parking lot towards the entryway. it was Monday, the day that everyone hates since it means the weekend is over and school has to begin again. i didn't enjoy Mondays for a different reason, i usually  forgot to feed  in the mornings, [ due to the fact that i overslept. and yes, i do need sleep. not as much as everyone else, but i do need sleep.]  so have to go  through the entire morning trying not to kill every annoying bastard that tries to flirt with me. luckily, i always pack  a thermos full of chickens blood the night before for lunch.{ if someone asks me whats in it i say the first condiment that comes to mind.}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                therefore, my crisis is easily averted, and i make sure to feed as soon as i get home. But today, for the first time in my entire life { Not a great feat mind you,  since I'm only 5 1\2.} i didn't oversleep. in fact, i woke up at 5:30 am for no apparent reason. i spent several minutes trying to discover the reason for my sudden awakening, but  i could find none.  sensing that i wouldn't be able to fall asleep again, i got out of bed and  got my phone in order to listen to music until it was a reasonable time to get up.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                at 7:30 am, i got up in order to pick out my outfit. i finally decided on a pair of black skinny jeans that Alice had lent me, along with a black  crop top over a purple tank top, paired with my favorite pair or knee high heeled boots. for  the  finishing touch, i wore a pair of silver earrings with amethyst's set in the center,  i left my hair down. after a quick look in the mirror to make sure i looked perfect, i hurried downstairs to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal { with a healthy helping of blood to drink along  with it .} After i finished my breakfast, i ran upstairs  to get my schoolbag. after i was satisfied that i had not forgotten anything, i went out to my [F\C] car. i slid into the drivers seat  and began my ride to school.      

 I thought about this as i walked into school and to my locker, i was still thinking about it when Alice  sat down next to me in class looking nothing like her usual peppy self.  " whats up ?"  i asked her with a concerned look. she didn't say anything for so long that i was about to  ask her again when she answered in a sad tone " Emmett and Rosalie had a fight." i made a noise of sympathy. Emmett and Rose's fights were tough on the whole family , they had been having them more often as of late.and, from what Alice told me, over the silliest things. now, i understand that whenever couples fight its over silly things. but Emmett and Rose had been together for so long that when they fought over things as simple as forgetting to put their shoes away , it made no sense whatsoever. even Edward was confused by it , and he could read minds! everyone was concerned for there relationship, including me, even though... i was snapped out of my thoughts by our teacher calling the class to order. " i'll explain more on the way to Spanish." Alice assured me with a weak smile. i smiled back at her and turned to the teacher and tried to pay attention, because unlike Alice, this was my first time learning advanced calculus. 

time skip to after class 

I was up and out of the classroom the minute the bell rang,  Alice wasn't far behind. as soon as we were out of hearing range of our fellow classmates, i turned to her and asked cautiously " so what happened ?"  she sighed and shook her head. " Rose, came down this morning announcing that she and Emmett had  officially broken up..."  " WHAT?!" i shrieked in disbelief. "when did that happen ?!"  " this morning. now,may i continue?" she asked, obviously annoyed. " right, sorry 'bout that." i apologized.  " As i was saying, this morning Rose came down and declared  that she and Emmett were no longer a couple. when we asked for a explanation she claimed that Emmett was cheating on her." she paused here, waiting for me to interrupt again. but since i stayed silent she continued " we asked her what her proof was, but she didn't have any. so we all began arguing about who was in the wrong. we all took sides, except Esme and Carlisle. they refused to take part in it. so now  Bella,  and Rose  aren't talking to  jasper,  Edward,  and Emmett."  " what about you and Rennesme?"   I asked when i sensed that she had finished talking. " she not taking a part of it." Alice explained with a weak smile.  " Bella and Edward refuse  to let her get involved. and i'm siding with Emmett."  I nodded absentmindedly, my mind was still having trouble wrapping around the fact that Emmett had "apparently" cheated on Rose.  at this point we had entered the Spanish classroom." did you see anything about them breaking up  in your... visions?" i asked, uncertain about what to call her ability to see into the future. " no, nothing." she said sadly.  i nodded absentmindedly. that's probably why she's so upset,  i thought to myself. our Spanish teacher entered the room and began explaining how knowing how  to say everything on the taco bell menu does not count as Spanish. which put an end to  our conversation.

time skip to lunch 

Alice and i walked into the Cafeteria in silence. after we had gotten our lunch trays, i followed Alice to an empty table, a good distance from everyone else. as i looked around absentmindedly while neatly ate a bag of sun chips, i noticed that no one was at the Cullen's usual table. when i turned to ask Alice about it she gestured to two different sides of the Cafeteria. i looked in one of the directions that she pointed and saw Bella and Rose sitting at a table, and  when i looked in the  other direction i saw Emmett, Jasper, and Edward sitting at a table.  " yikes." i muttered as i resumed my lunch. " yikes indeed." Alice agreed with a grim look.                                                                                                                                                                                                          i found my eyes  drifting from  one table to another, trying to deduce how bad the situations was , when Emmett  suddenly made eye contact with me. the look in his eyes was one of pure agony. no, immense  agony, suffering.  the emotion in his eyes was suffocating.  i was tempted to go over and ask him what was wrong when my thoughts were Interrupted by Rose making a growling noise that i could only hear due to my vampire hearing. i jumped when Emmett growled back at her in warning. she glared at him, but stayed silent, i turned to Alice expectantly " should i be worried about that ?"i said, gesturing to Rose's furious face " not currently." she said with a shrug.  "great." i muttered under my breath " just great."  not noticing the wary look that Alice sent at Emmett . 

to be continued..... 

Hey! thanks for reading, i'll post as soon as i can. please comment and vote. thank you ! 

- el stick 

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