Chapter 3

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I remained motionless as Emmett jumped of my porch and slowly began stalking towards me, i contemplated making a run for my car.  no,  he'd catch me instantly.  i argued with myself, slowly backing away.  " what's the matter Y\N?cat got your tongue?" he asked me with a playful smirk, moving even closer. i managed a strained smaile  as i continued backing away.   " are you feeling O.k Emmett?" i cautiously questioned after he hadn't done anything for several minutes. " why do you ask?"  he returned, his smirk only growing ,  i  tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach as i  replied. " w-well, Alice said you were in rut, and i wasn't sure if it was a sickness or something so...." 

Emmett interrupted  me by snarling animalistically, i turned my head in order to see his face,  and was greeted by the sight of his usually  infinitely beautiful face twisted into a dark grimace.  i  realized that his eyes were the same pitch black color they had been at lunch.     

he must've seen the fear in my eyes since  his expression changed  into one of concern. before i knew what was happening, i was engulfed  by his massive arms and pressed against his muscular torso. i let out an indignant squeal and  attempted to push away from him, but he only hugged me tighter. 

"Emmett?" i began,  my voice muffled by his chest,  " is there something wrong ?"  "i'm fine!" he growled out harshly.  "  O.K, c-can you let me go now?"  " No!" he answered harshly, causing me to jump.  " sorry." i apologized, unintentionally stuffing my face into his chest, i felt him stiffen at the feeling of my mouth moving  against his chest.  he sighed, his grip on me loosened a fraction. " forgive me."  he said  in a strained voice,  " i didn't mean to scare you, i just....  think Alice should mind her own business." the last part was muttered in a dark tone, i could imagine the sneer on his face. " it's fine, you didn't scare me." i lied, hoping he wouldn't notice.

 he only chuckled, the sound vibrating in his chest, before  pulling me far back enough so that we could look eye to eye,  his grip on me was light enough that i could escape, but at that moment, i  was too distracted by his topaz eye staring into mine. " it's alright for you to be frightened of me Y\N. "  " Ok, but i'm not." i reassured him, with a weak smile.  he opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by the screech of tires on asphalt. 

I turned around in order to see what the cause of the noise was, and was relived to see Edwards silver Volvo swerving into my drive way at an inhuman speed.  Emmett growled  as he picked me up by the waist and held me so that my back was against  his chest , my feet were unable to touch the ground, my legs kicked pointlessly in the air. 

The  Volvo's  doors was  flung open and out stepped Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, Edward, and Carlisle.  "hey guys! " i greeted sarcastically with a little wave{ It was difficult since Emmett's arms were pinning my hands to my sides}.  " Are you injured ?" Carlisle questioned with a concerned look, "  No, i'm fine, just a little ...restricted." i squirmed in Emmett's arms to emphasis my point, resulting in a harsh snarl from said Vampire. " Emmett."  Rosalie  gingerly stepped forward as she spoke,  "Emmett, why are you doing this?  you know she's not your mate, i am. let's go home and i can he-" she was cut off by Emmett letting out a mighty snarl  that  echoed throughout the block, his chest rumbled  against my back, i stifled a terrified shriek. 

When he was done, he only spoke  to Rose, who had been frozen since she had been interrupted. "No."  Rose face was aghast, she opened her mouth several times to say something only to close it again when nothing came out.  the others stood with shocked  faces,  nothing was said for some time. eventually, Alice stepped forward and said, in a patient voice, as if she were talking to an upset child. " Emmett, it's not safe for you  to be with Y\N right now, you know that right?  he let out a distressed growl  and tightened his already painful grip on me. " I'm fine."  he objected with a snarl.  " Are you sure?" Carlisle questioned skeptically, he was answered with another snarl, smaller than before i noticed absentmindedly.                                             

" Emmett." Edward spoke stepping past an upset Rose, " you know what could happen, you know it's not safe, your'e putting her in danger. we can help you, if you'll let us. "  Emmett said nothing, only stared at him with an unreadable expression.   eventually, Edward's lips curled up in to a relived smile. " Y\N, i think you're allowed to get down now." he told me without taking his eyes away from Emmett's.  sure enough, when i tried to break out of Emmett's iron grip on me his arms easily gave way and i was carefully placed on the ground, i hurried over to Alice   who had her hand outstretched towards me, which i gratefully accepted.       

" Are you sure you're  O.K?" she questioned as she led me towards the silver Volvo. " i'm fine, just very confused." " Which is to be expected." she reassured me.  she was opening the passenger door to the Volvo for me when Emmett let out an enraged roar,  i spun around and was greeted with the sight of Emmett attempting to push his way through Jasper in order to get to the Volvo.  before i could get a better grasp of the situation,  Alice pulled me into the silver car and started the engine.  the last thing i saw before we pulled out of the driveway  was Carlisle  and Edward simultaniously  jumping on Emmett.  

" What in the name of everything purple was that about?!" i demanded swerving in my seat to face Alice.   " Are you referring to the fact that Emmett was acting bizarre  or the fact that i just snatched you from the jaws of destruction?" her eyes remained on the road as she spoke to me.  " Both i think." she took a deep breath before beginning, throwing worried glances at me as she spoke. " Your aware how female dogs can go into heats and male dogs can into ruts?" i nodded my head. " well, we've discovered as of late that at a certain point in time, some vampires also go into ruts and heats. Carlisle went through his before we met him, Esme's happened 40 years ago, Edward had his shortly after he was married to Bella, and Bella, Jasper, Rosalie  and myself haven't had ours yet, and Emmett's  has just begun as you can see.  from what Carlisle  knows, our ruts and heats are driven by our instinct to mate. we think that Emmett breaking the bond he had with Rosalie triggered his rut and now he's looking for his mate. which apparently, is not Rose." 

" Alright." i said after a minute, " then why was he at my house?"  " He was looking for you." i opened my mouth to question this when it hit me. "... i'm his mate?" "yeah, we think so."  i slumped back in my seat in shock, i never would have thought in my wildest dreams that i had a chance with Emmett, and now i'm his mate? it was a lot to take in, so i remained deep in thought  as Alice drove to her house at alarming speeds.  i was brought back to the present by Alice opening the  car door and stepping out. 

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