Chapter 2

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Alice and i were quiet as i ate my lunch. it wasn't an  awkward silence, per-say just uncomfortable. after what felt like an eon, i finished my small lunch. i was in the process of standing up with my lunch tray in order to throw it out, when Alice grasped  my arm tightly with her fragile looking hand.  i froze, and patiently waited for her to either  #1. let go of my hand or #2. explain to me the reason for the sudden contact. 

 "Emmett's coming over, don't move." i contemplated arguing with her, but decided against it when i saw the serious look on her face, and sat down.  i risked a glance behind me and sure enough, Emmett was walking towards our table with slow but long strides.  i quickly turned back to  Alice with a look of bewilderment, she only shook her head with a apologetic look. i focused on a interesting spill on the floor beneath my feet as i heard his footsteps get closer.  they stopped just behind me, i remained motionless, waiting for him to speak.  did he want to talk to me or Alice? is something wrong? should i say something ?   i thought frantically as he remained silent.

 he cleared his throat. " Alice, may i talk to you for a moment?" " of course." she replied with an encouraging smile, " as long as y

doesn't  mind." she turned to as she finished, awaiting my answer. i smiled at her " no, it's fine, do you want me to leave or...?"  " no you can stay where you are." Emmett reassured  me with a brief strained smile, { not meeting my eyes, i noticed.} before quickly turning back to Alice. "perhaps we can talk in the parking lot Alice?" he asked with a pointed look. " sure." she said standing up, she sent my a little wave as she walked away with Emmett. i returned her wave with one of my own, trying to ignore the way that Emmett refused to even look at me. 

i sighed as Emmett and Alice walked through the cafeteria doors, now what? i thought to myself  despondently. usually Alice would walk me to my last class of the day, since that was the only one she wasn't in. and while it was fine that she went to talk to Emmett,  it meant that i was going to have a very average class. i unwillingly stood up  and walked over to the trash in order to dispose of my empty chip bag.  afterwards, i  skipped of in the direction of my first class, i was surprised to see jasper waiting for me as i walked out of the cafeteria doors. " mind if i walk you to class?" he asked , his southern accent thick. " not at all." i managed a smile as we began walking down the hall.  we walked along in a comfortable silence, not bothering to attempt a conversation, it was one of the things i liked about jasper. he always seemed to know when you had something on your mind that you didn't want  to talk about. 

" thank you for walking me to class." i said as we came to my classroom, " don't mention it." he replied with a smile. " can you do me a favor?" i asked him uncertainly after a moment, "sure." he agreed with a shrug. " can you tell Alice to call me next time you see her? i have a feeling it's going to be sooner then  me." he smiled " sure thing."  " tell Emmett i said hi." i called over my shoulder as i entered the classroom, i heard him chuckle before walking away.  i took my seat in the corner of the classroom  and sat thinking until class started.  

time skip to when your out of school 

i didn't see the Cullen's in the parking lot after school.  they must have left early for some reason.  i thought to myself as i slid into the drivers seat of my {F\C} car.  still, i couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.i shivered as i thought back to the way that Emmett stared at me  at lunch,  his eyes had been completely black , as though he wasn't feeding enough. but they went hunting last night,  i argued with myself, so that can't be right.   perhaps it was a side effect of his sorrow? no , that sounds too poetic. thus i spent the entire car ride home contemplating what could be the reason. i was so distracted that i almost didn't see a pair of moose in the middle of the road, luckily i was able to slam on the break just in time, and the moose ran off unharmed. 

i sat there for a moment in shock, before breaking into laughter. " that was so stupid of me! " i screamed in between my laughter.  it felt good to laugh,  i had been more stressed out about  the whole Emmett situation then i realized.  " but why?"   i asked my self when i had stopped laughing, " no one else was as concerned as i am."  deep down, i knew the answer, but i ignored it. i had spent enough time thinking about my stupid crush on Emmett , it would never happen.  i snapped myself out of it before i started  getting too absorbed in my thoughts, and started my car again. 

there were no more interruptions on the way to my house, and eventually ,the feeling that something was wrong i pulled into my driveway, i noticed there was a jeep in my dads parking space. which was strange because my dad didn't get home till six, and he drives a truck.   i was driven from my train of thought when my phone began ringing. i looked at the caller id and was pleased to see that it was Alice.  " hey Alice."  i greeted as i opened my car door and stepped out, y

! where are you ?" she demanded in a panicked tone, " at my house, why?"  " is Emmett jeep's  there?"  i thought that car looked familiar.  " yeah, why?"   " stay where you are, we're coming to get you!" she ordered me  through the phone, ignoring my question.   " Alice!" i screeched into the phone as i stepped out of my car. " tell me what's going on!" she sighed exasperatedly into the phone.  " your right, i'm sorry. you deserve to know." " i'd agree with you, but i still have no idea what your talking about." i reminded her in an annoyed voice. " it's Emmett, he's in rut." i froze in my shoes.  but i barley heard her finish, because on my front porch, smiling at me maliciously, was Emmett. " get here quick." i pleaded, before turning my phone off.  " welcome home." Emmett greeted with a smirk. 

Emmet Cullen x reader: Mating seasonWhere stories live. Discover now